Impact of mismatch cables impedances on active motor terminal overvoltage mitigation using parallel voltage source inverters
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Non-treated transient motor terminal overvoltage
due high-speed switching sources and long cable length can be
twice the original source voltage amplitude. In some cases, this
overvoltage can cause premature motor insulation failure. A
topology widely applied in industry is subject of this overvoltage:
motors driven by voltage source inverter, connected by long
feeding cable. There are several passive methods effective in
mitigating overvoltage, but most of them are based in lossy and
bulky passive component filters. A different approach is
proposed by two low loss active methods for overvoltage
mitigation with simple topologies. It consists in using voltage
source inverters with specific switching strategy in order to
attenuate the main cause of overvoltage: the superposition of
traveling reflected pulses at the motor terminals. As promising
methods for overvoltage mitigation, some specific studies
regarding its particularities must be carried on in order to clear
understand all its benefits and possible drawbacks. The present
paper discusses the vulnerability of these overvoltage mitigation
methods to some internal parameter variation. The impact of
cables impedance variation due heating –and impedance
mismatch– is highlighted, since it is intrinsic to the system and
can degrades overvoltage mitigation.
Como referenciar
SANTOS, DANIEL de P. dos; SARTORI, CARLOS A.F. Impact of mismatch cables impedances on active motor terminal overvoltage mitigation using parallel voltage source inverters. In: GLOBAL ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY CONFERENCE, 3rd, November 08-10, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Proceedings... Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2017. p. 1-6. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 Mar 2025.
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