Determination of mineral elements and traces present in the fractions of the humic substances of Peruíbe Black Mud
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Peruíbe Black Mud (PBM) found in the city of Peruíbe in state of São Paulo, is known for its
curative and anti-inflammatory properties. Considered as a material with high cation
exchange capacity, microbiological analyzes revealed a large amount of sulfate reducing
bacteria and high content of organic material from the biological-metabolic process. In order
to provide data that may be useful to understand its therapeutic effects and secondly to certify
its quality for use in medical treatments it is necessary to determine the presence of trace
elements and minerals present in the different fractions of humic substances and, for this, the
technique of neutron activation analysis (INAA) associated with gamma spectrometry was
used. Results demonstrate that elements such as Cr and Zn may be concentrated in the humic
fraction over the mineral fraction of the mud.
Como referenciar
SOUFIA, LAYLA B.; GOUVEA, PAULO F. de M.; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da. Determination of mineral elements and traces present in the fractions of the humic substances of Peruíbe Black Mud. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 628-640. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 Mar 2025.
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