Hydrotalcite and Boehmite coatings for increased protection of Aluminum clad spent nuclear fuel
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It is essential to increase the corrosion resistance of Al-clad research reactor (RR) spent fuels
during long term wet storage. Laboratory and field tests were carried out to evaluate the
pitting corrosion resistance of rare earth containing conversion coatings on Al alloys, AA
1100 and AA 6061, used as cladding of RR fuel plates. These investigations were extended to
include boehmite and hydrotalcite (HTC) coatings on Al alloy surfaces. Characterization of
the coatings was done with the aid of SEM/FEG/EDS and x-ray diffraction analysis. The
electrochemical behavior of uncoated and coated specimens was determined in 0.1 M NaCl.
Field tests were carried out in which uncoated, lanthanide-based conversion coated, boehmite
coated, cerium modified boehmite coated, HTC coated and cerium modified HTC coated Al
alloy coupons were exposed to the IEA-R1 reactor spent fuel basin for varying periods and
then their corrosion resistance evaluated. Most of the coatings increased the pitting corrosion
resistance of the two alloys and among the coatings, the cerium modified HTC coating was
the most efficient.
Como referenciar
FERNANDES, STELA M.C.; CORREA, OLANDIR V.; SOUZA, JOSE A. de; RAMANATHAN, LALGUDI V. Hydrotalcite and Boehmite coatings for increased protection of Aluminum clad spent nuclear fuel. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSAO, 32.; INTERNATIONAL CORROSION MEETING, 4th, May 14‐18, 2012, Salvador, BA. Proceedings... Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/17701. Acesso em: 13 Mar 2025.
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