Characterization of crystalline phases of (U,Er)O2 pellets by X-ray diffraction
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Optimization of nuclear fuel for use in pressurized water reactors can be achieved by obtaining higher
burnups. This, however, requires the excess reactivity caused by increasing the fuel's enrichment to
be taken into account, which can be done by introducing burnable absorbers into the UO2 fuel pellets
themselves. Some of the rare earth elements have thermal and mechanical properties that make them
appropriate for use inside the reactor. In order to characterize the microstructure of erbium-doped UO2
fuel, sintered UO2-Er2O3 pellets were prepared, with Er2O3 content ranging from 1:0 to 9:8wt%, and
analyzed by X-ray di raction to determine whether the composite formed solid solutions and, if so,
evaluate the lattice parameter as a function of erbia concentration. While XRD analysis showed the
Er2O3 completely dissolved in the UO2 powder, it also evidenced the emergence of a second
phase, whose phase fraction increases and lattice parameter decreases with increasing erbia concentration.
Analysis of the di raction patterns showed this emerging phase has the same crystalline structure as the
host lattice, but with a smaller lattice parameter, and a smaller domain size. These results are compatible
with the phenomenon of defect segregation, which consists in the formation of microdomains with a higher
concentration of defects.
Como referenciar
SANSONE, ALBERTO E.S.; RIELLA, HUMBERTO G.; CARVALHO, ELITA F.U. de. Characterization of crystalline phases of (U,Er)O2 pellets by X-ray diffraction. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 22-27, 2017, Belo Horizonte, MG. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 Feb 2025.
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