Projetos de Pesquisa
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  • Artigo IPEN-doc 26348
    Development of a new test section for the experimental analysis of critical velocity in flat plate fuel element for nuclear research reactor
    The fuel elements of a MTR type nuclear reactor are mostly composed of aluminum containing the core of uranium sílica (U3Si2) dispersed in an aluminum matrix. These plates have a thickness of the order of millimeters and are much longer in relation to their thickness. This configuration, combined with the need for a flow at high flow rates to ensure the cooling of the fuel element in operation, may create problems of mechanical failure of fuel plate. In the case of critical velocity, excessive permanent deflections of the plates can cause blockage of the flow channel in the reactor core and lead to overheating in the plates. In the first work a test section that simulates a plate-like fuel element with three cooling channels was developed. The dimensions of the test section were based on the dimensions of the Fuel Element of the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB). The critical velocity was reached with 14.5 m/s leading to the consequent plastic deformation of the flow channel plates. The signals of extensometers from the test section also showed excitation frequencies due to fluid related phenomena, for example: pressure pulse due to cavitations, fluid resonances, etc. The new test section is being designed to allow internal instrumentation and visualization for a better understanding of the fluid structure coupling. With this new section of test we intend to generate data that allow the assembly of a model that can better simulate the phenomenon of critical velocity for the RMB.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 25523
    Experimental investigation of critical velocity in fuel element for the RMB reactor
    The fuel elements of a MTR (Material Testing Reactor) type nuclear reactor are mostly composed of aluminum-coated fuel plates containing the core of uranium silica (U3Si2) dispersed in an aluminum matrix. These plates have a thickness of the order of millimeters and are much longer in relation to their thickness. They are arranged in parallel inside the fuel element assembly to form channel gaps between them of only a few millimeters wide through which the coolant flows. This configuration, combined with the need for a flow at high flow rates to ensure the cooling of the fuel element in operation, may create problems of mechanical failure of fuel plate due to the vibration induced by the flow in the channels. In the case of critical velocity, excessive permanent deflections of the plates can cause blockage of the flow channel in the reactor core and, lead to overheating in the plates. For this work an experimental loop capable of high volume flows and a test section that simulates a plate-like fuel element with three cooling channels was developed. The dimensions of the test section were based on the dimensions of the Fuel Element of the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB), whose project is being coordinated by the National Commission of Nuclear Energy (CNEN). The experiments performed had the objective of reaching Miller's critical velocity condition. The critical velocity was reached with 14.5 m/s leading to the consequent plastic deformation of the flow channel plates.
  • Resumo IPEN-doc 24577
    Determination of pressure loss coefficients in the elements of the IEA-R1 reactor nuclei
    2017 - CASTRO, A.J.A. de; UMBEHAUN, P.E.
    The flow distribution in the different elements that compose the core of the IEAR1 reactor is one of the main parameters for its thermo-hydraulic analysis. Currently this distribution is estimated with the code "FLOW" that uses existing correlations in the literature for the estimation of the singular and distributed pressure losses. In order to validate the code, a test bench was set up to survey the load loss in the elements that make up the reactor core for different levels of flow in the elements.
  • Resumo IPEN-doc 24576
    Comissioning of the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor new heat exchanger
    2017 - CASTRO, A.J.A. de; UMBEHAUN, P.E.; CARVALHO, M.R.
    This work presents results on the commissioning of the new heat exchanger of the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor in the occasion of its operational power upgrade from 2 MW to 5 MW, in comparison to the values calculated in the project of IESA Design and Equipments Company. This reactor is a swimming pool type, light water moderated and with graphite reflectors, used for research purposes and medical radioisotopes production. During monitoring procedures, issues were observed on the reactor operation at 5 MW mainly due to the ageing of the reactor’s oldest heat exchanger (TC-A) and excessive vibrations at high flow rates on the other installed heat exchanger (TC-B). So it was decided to provide a new IESA heat exchanger with 5 MW capacity to definitely substitute the TC-A heat exchanger. The results show that the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor can be operated safely and continuously at 5 MW with the new IESA heat exchanger.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 24029
    Experimental investigation of critical velocity in a parallel plate research reactor fuel assembly
    The fuel elements of a MTR (Material Testing Reactor) type nuclear reactor are mostly composed of aluminumcoated fuel plates containing the core of uranium silica (U3Si2) dispersed in an aluminum matrix. These plates have a thickness of the order of millimeters and are much longer in relation to their thickness. They are arranged in parallel in the assembly of the fuel element to form channels between them a few millimeters in thickness, through which there is a flow of the coolant. This configuration, combined with the need for a flow at high flow rates to ensure the cooling of the fuel element in operation, may create problems of mechanical failure of fuel plate due to the vibration induced by the flow in the channels. In the case of critical velocity excessive permanent deflections of the plates can cause blockage of the flow channel in the reactor core and lead to overheating in the plates. For this study an experimental bench capable of high volume flows and a test section that simulates a plate-like fuel element with three cooling channels were developed. The dimensions of the test section were based on the dimensions of the Fuel Element of the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB), whose project is being coordinated by the National Commission of Nuclear Energy (CNEN). The experiments performed attained the objective of reaching Miller's critical velocity condition. The critical velocity was reached with 14.5 m/s leading to the consequent plastic deformation of the flow channel plates.
  • Tese IPEN-doc 23339
    Análise experimental de velocidade crítica em elemento combustível tipo placa plana para reatores nucleares de pesquisa
    2017 - CASTRO, ALFREDO J.A. de
    Os elementos de combustível de um reator nuclear de pesquisa tipo MTR (\"Material Testing Reactor\") são, em sua grande maioria, formados por placas de combustível revestidas com alumínio contendo no cerne silicileto de urânio (U3Si2) disperso em matriz de alumínio. Essas placas possuem espessura da ordem de milímetros e comprimentos muito maiores em relação à sua espessura. Elas são dispostas paralelamente no conjunto que forma o elemento combustível, de maneira a formar canais entre elas com poucos milímetros de espessura, por onde escoa o fluido de refrigeração (água leve ou água pesada). Essa configuração, associada à necessidade de um escoamento com altas vazões para garantir o resfriamento das placas em operação, pode gerar problemas de falhas mecânicas das placas de combustível devido às vibrações induzidas pelo escoamento nos canais e, consequentemente, acidentes de proporções graves no caso de velocidade crítica que possa gerar o colapso das placas. Embora não haja ruptura das placas de combustível durante o colapso, as deflexões permanentes excessivas das placas podem causar bloqueio do canal de escoamento no núcleo do reator e levar ao superaquecimento nas placas. Para este trabalho, foram desenvolvidas uma bancada experimental com capacidade para altas vazões volumétricas (Q=100 m3/h) e uma seção de testes que simula um elemento combustível do tipo placa com três canais de resfriamento. A seção de testes foi construída com placas de alumínio e acrílico e foi instrumentada com sensores de deformação, sensores de pressão, um acelerômetro e um tubo de pitot. As dimensões da seção de testes foram baseadas nas dimensões do Elemento Combustível do Reator Multipropósito Brasileiro (RMB), cujo projeto está sendo coordenado pela Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear - CNEN. Os experimentos realizados alcançaram o objetivo de chegar à condição de velocidade crítica de Miller com o colapso das placas. A velocidade crítica foi atingida com 14,5 m/s levando a consequente deformação plástica das placas que formam o canal do escoamento. O canal central na entrada da seção de testes apresentou uma abertura de 3 mm em seu centro, causando um grande bloqueio do escoamento nos canais laterais. Este comportamento foi v constatado visualmente durante a desmontagem da seção de testes, ilustrado e discutido na análise de resultados apresentado neste trabalho. O bloqueio dos canais também foi observado por meio de gráficos de queda de pressão e por gráficos das deformações da entrada, centro e saída das placas contra a velocidade média da seção de testes. Observou-se uma queda da resistência hidráulica da seção de testes devido ao aumento da seção transversal de escoamento no canal central e um aumento exponencial das deformações quando da ocorrência da velocidade crítica. Comparativamente, o valor experimental obtido para velocidade crítica na seção de testes foi da ordem de 85% do valor obtido por cálculo com a expressão teórica de Miller. Os experimentos realizados permitiram um melhor entendimento da interação fluido estrutura em elementos de combustível tipo placa como: valores de frequências de vibrações naturais, instabilidade fluido elástica e desenvolvimento de técnicas para a detecção de valores de velocidade crítica.
  • Resumo IPEN-doc 22940
  • Resumo IPEN-doc 22008
    Estudos do escoamento em núcleos de reator com elementos combustíveis tipo placas paralelas
  • Resumo IPEN-doc 21467
  • Resumo IPEN-doc 07627
    Banco de dados para o Circuito Apolo