Biocompósitos de nitreto de silício: caracterização e avaliação biológica in vitro
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Silicon nitride has been increasingly considered for biomedical applications owing to their high mechanical properties, osseointegration, bactericidal capacity and radiolucent characteristics. This study aims to evaluate the potential of silicon nitride ceramics containing silica and calcia in appropriate concentrations to have a bioactive intergranular phase, formed by a bioglass without phosphorus. Samples with 20 wt.% additives were sintered at 1815oC for 1 h under N2 atmosphere and analyzed in regard to density, crystalline phases, morphology and grain size as well as phases' distribution. Biological assessments by means of bioactivity tests in SBF (Simulated Body Fluid), cytotoxicity and osteoblast adhesion of MG63 cell line were performed. The results showed that samples reached around 97% of the theoretical density, high αβ-Si3N4 transformation and bioactivity evidenced by apatite formation on samples surface after testing in SBF. Silicon nitride samples exhibited non-cytotoxic and biocompatible behavior for propagation of human bone cells in vitro, demonstrating the high potential to be used as prosthetic devices and components.
Como referenciar
GUEDES-SILVA, C.C.; RODAS, A.C.D.; RIBEIRO, C.; CARVALHO, F.M.S.; GENOVA, L.A.; FERREIRA, T.S.; HIGA, O.Z. Biocompósitos de nitreto de silício: caracterização e avaliação biológica in vitro. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CERAMICA, 60., 15-18 de maio, 2016, Águas de Lindóia, SP. Anais... p. 1782-1793. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Feb 2025.
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