Radiation, plant proteins and sustainability

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American Journal of Biological and Environmental Statistics
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The best sources of proteins for human nourishment come from animal origin. But, conventional meat production involves not only animal suffering but, also, prodigious amounts of water use and significant global warming gases produced per pound of meat. Sustainable plant proteins are good for human beings, as well as, for the planet. Specific natural resources like pulses, in particular, represent a very environmentally friendly and sustainable food source and are rich of high-quality and cost-effective protein ingredients. Ionizing radiation may contribute to food safety and food security. Also, irradiation could serve as an additional food processing method for inactivation or removal of certain antinutritional factors. In this work, the benefits of plant protein sources, particularly pulse protein foods, are highlighted. Moreover, a survey on database since 1970, about the relation among pulses, plant protein and ionizing radiation has been presented. Highlights: Pulses represent a very environmentally friendly and sustainable food source. Pulses are rich sources of high quality and cost effective protein ingredients. Ionizing radiation may contribute to food safety and food security and it could be applied for inactivation or removal of certain antinutritional factors.

Como referenciar
TAKINAMI, PATRICIA Y.I.; UEHARA, VANESSA B.; TEIXEIRA, BRUNA S.; DEL MASTRO, NELIDA L. Radiation, plant proteins and sustainability. American Journal of Biological and Environmental Statistics, v. 2, n. 4, p. 28-33, 2016. DOI: 10.11648/j.ajbes.20160204.11. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/27590. Acesso em: 02 Jul 2024.
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