Characteristics of biodegradable films based on cassava starch and soy isolate protein treated by electron beam radiation

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Academia Journal of Agricultural Research
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Polymers from renewable sources can fulfill in some aspects the needs of consumers without damaging the environment, health and economy. Soy protein concentrate and cassava starch may be considered an alternative to petrochemical polymers. Ionizing radiation processing with gamma rays or electron beam is currently used for the modification of polymers and macromolecules. The widely known ability of proteins and polysaccharides to form films as a starting point for the development of new materials aimed at edible packaging for the food industry was employed. Films based on cassava starch and isolated soy proteins were prepared in two different formulations and electron beam irradiated with 0, 20 and 40 kGy. The tensile strength decreased upon irradiation and yellow color intensified. Regarding thermal properties, no significant differences were observed between irradiated and non-irradiated samples. However, regarding properties such as water vapor permeability and water absorption, the films became less permeable at higher radiation doses. Films with good resistance to water vapor and low water absorption would be considered suitable for food packaging. Radiation seems a convenient tool for the modification of this kind of biopolymeric blends and opens a huge array of possibilities of application.

Como referenciar
UEHARA, VANESSA B.; MASTRO, NELIDA L. del. Characteristics of biodegradable films based on cassava starch and soy isolate protein treated by electron beam radiation. Academia Journal of Agricultural Research, v. 5, n. 4, p. 68-74, 2017. DOI: 10.15413/ajar.2017.0115. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 Mar 2025.
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