Synthesis and characterization of graphene oxide/nickel nanoparticles using nanoparticle tracking analysis
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One of the graphene based compounds that has giving attention is graphene oxide
(GO). This nanomaterial has oxygenated groups on its surface, which provide
hydrophilicity and allow its exfoliation in several polar solvents. Moreover, these
reactive sites can be further functionalized, yielding nanocomposites with many
applications in electrochemistry and biomaterials fields. The objective of this study is
to synthesize nickel / graphene oxide (GO-Ni) nanocomposite using electron beam in
water /alcohol solution without stabilizers and to characterize GO and GO-Ni by
Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA). The Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis utilizes the
properties of both light scattering and Brownian motion in order to obtain the particle
size distribution and to measure the diffusion coefficient. From the Stokes-Einstein
equation it was possible to obtain the hydrodynamic diameter of the nanomaterials.
The NTA result showed that GO and GO-Ni showed respectively 47 nm and 55nm.
Both showed a low polydispersity index, indicating the homogeneity of the size
distribution and the formation of a monodisperse system. The results showed that it is
possible to obtain nanoparticles of graphene oxide incorporated with nickels smaller
than 60 nm and with good distribution without the use of stabilizers.
Como referenciar
JACOVONE, R.M.S.; SOARES, J.J.S.; SAKATA, S.K. Synthesis and characterization of graphene oxide/nickel nanoparticles using nanoparticle tracking analysis. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA E CIÊNCIA DOS MATERIAIS, 23., 04-08 de novembro, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Resumo... p. 4682-4682. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 Mar 2025.
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