Interpolation studies of a 3D dosimetric system for quality assurance in radiation therapy
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With the evolution of radiation therapy techniques, treatments have become increasingly accurate. To ensure a good quality assurance program for modern equipment, Sun Nuclear Corporation has developed ArcCHECK, a 3D dosimetric system, which contains 1386 helically arranged diodes within a PMMA cylindrical structure. The outputs of this system show, in addition to dose values acquired directly from the diodes, also matrices with interpolated dose values, in order to provide values at more than 5000 points for quality assurance. The main purpose of this work is to analyze the interpolated dose values provided by ArcCHECK. For this, simple measurements were taken with ArcCHECK, with a 10x10 cm2 static field of 6 MeV photons and 100 MU. A algorithm for MATLAB software was also developed so that it was possible to interpolate crude dose values obtained from the diodes and compare them with the values interpolated by the dosimetric system software. Significant dose differences values were found in the relative dose difference between the matrices interpolated by the algorithm and by ArcCHECK. The method used by this dosimetric system presented a diode selection pattern for the interpolation and different when compared to the developed method, even if both were calculated in the 2D plane, based on the dose map acquired by ArcCHECK.
Como referenciar
MAZER, AMANDA C; SHORTO, JULIAN M.B.; SIQUEIRA, PAULO T.D.; NAKANDAKARI, MARCOS V.N.; RIBEIRO, VICTOR A.B.; YORIYAZ, HELIO. Interpolation studies of a 3D dosimetric system for quality assurance in radiation therapy. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 153-160. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 Mar 2025.
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