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Resumo IPEN-doc 28119 Infrared absorption bands characterization of dentin tissue when irradiated by erbium laser2002 - ZEZELL, D.M.; BACHMANN, L.; DIEBOLDER, R.; HIBST, R.The erbium laser radiation is highly absorbed by water molecules present in hard tissues. Erbium laser irradiation effects can be classified in two different regimens: ablative, which produces material removal or sub-ablative, that produces a controlled heated process in the irradiated and adjacent regions. For the Er:YAG laser the ablative threshold is very low, around 1.5J/cm2. When dentin is irradiated bellow threshold, chemical and physical changes can occur. The objective of this work is to identify the infrared absorption changes at dentin tissue induced by the Er:YAG laser irradiation al 2.94 μm with sub-ablative energy densities. In this work it were used energy densities between 0.365 J/cm2 and 1.94 J/cm2 to irradiate 0.5mm slices of bovine dentin. For the infrared analysis a Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer was used. The studied region was between 4000 cm-1 and 400cm-1 (2.5μm and 25μm). After the laser irradiation, two main changes were observed in the analyzed spectral region: loss of water and alteration in the structure of organic matrix. These alterations can be identified by intensity decrease of the water band between 3800cm-1 and 2800cm-1 and in those bands between 1400cm-1 and 1100cm-1. Only a partial reversion of the water band pattern was observed after 24 hours of hydration, suggesting that erbium laser produces an irreversible alteration in the structure of the organic matrix when irradiated with energy densities bellow the ablation threshold.Capítulo IPEN-doc 14988 Laser physics and laser-tissue interaction2010 - BACHMANN, LUCIANO; ZEZELL, DENISE M.Capítulo IPEN-doc 14987 Fundamentos da fisica do laser e interacao da radiacao laser com tecido biologico2010 - ZEZELL, DENISE M.; ROSSI, WAGNER de; BACHMANN, LUCIANOLivro IPEN-doc 11291 Estrutura e composição do esmalte e da dentina: Irradiação laser e tratamento térmico2005 - BACHMANN, LUCIANO; ZEZELL, DENISE M.Resumo IPEN-doc 09219 Efeito da irradiacao de superficies radiculares com laser de Er:YAG e diodo - analise termica e morfologica2002 - THEODORO, L.H.; HAYPEK, P.; BACHMANN, L.; GARCIA, V.G.; ZEZELL, D.M.; SAMPAIO, J.E.C.Resumo IPEN-doc 09197 Analise do comportamento termico do laser de diodo no esmalte, dentina e cemento dental - estudo in vitro2002 - PELINO, J.E.P.; HAYPEK, P.; SOARES, S.C.G.; BACHMANN, L.; ZEZELL, D.M.; EDUARDO, C.P.Resumo IPEN-doc 07941 Thermal effects during in vitro intracanal application of Er:YAG laser1998 - CECCHINI, S.C.M.; ZEZELL, D.M.; BACHMANN, L.; PINOTTI, M.; NOGUEIRA, G.E.C.; EDUARDO, C.P.Resumo IPEN-doc 07936 Efeitos termicos da irradiacao intracanal do laser de Nd:YAG1999 - STREFEZZA, C.; ZEZELL, D.M.; BACHMANN, L.; CECCHINI, S.C.M.; PINOTTI, M.; EDUARDO, C.P.Resumo IPEN-doc 08046 Absorption band characterization by FTIR spectroscopy of dentin tissue irradiated by erbium laser at sub-ablative energy densities2001 - ZEZELL, D.M.; BACHMANN, L.; DIBOLD, R.; HIBST, R.Resumo IPEN-doc 08048 Effects of holmium laser on dental structure in vivo2001 - STREFEZZA, C.; BACHMANN, L.; BAUER, J.A.; ANTONIAZZI, J.H.; EDUARDO, C.P.; ZEZELL, D.M.Provious in vitro has demonstrated that Ho:YLF laser is capable of inducing physical and chemical changes on dental surfaces for caries prevention. The temperature changes in the pulpal chamber was firstly evaluated in vitro to determine safe energy irradiation conditions range. The purpose of this work is to verify the occurrence of pulp inflammation under those irradiation conditions in rabbits. Ten rabbits (NZB) were divided in 5 groups according to the sacrifice period (control, immediately after irradiation, 6, 24 and 72 hours after irradiation). The rabbits posterior upper region teeth of each animal were irradiated with 10 pulses of a Ho:YLF prototype operating at 0.5 Hz and 300m)/pulse on the left side and 500m) on the right side. Sacrifices were obtained through transcardiac perfusion and the samples were prepared for pathological analysis. The in vitro temperature monitoring revealed an increase of 1°C to the 300m) energy and 4.5°C for the 500m) energy. SEM observations showed the occurrence of melting and resolidification. From the in vivo analysis it can be concluded that there was low degree of inflammation for the highest energy used and no pulpal alterations for the lowest one.