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Artigo IPEN-doc 26381 Small break loss of coolant accident of 200 cm² in cold leg of primary loop of ANGRA 2 nuclear power reactor evaluation2019 - BORGES, EDUARDO M.; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANEThe aim of this paper is evaluated the consequences to ANGRA 2 nuclear power reactor and to identify the flow regimes, the heat transfer modes, and the correlations used by RELAP5/MOD3.2.gama code in ANGRA 2 during the Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident (SBLOCA) with a 200cm2 of rupture area in the cold leg of primary loop. The Chapter 15 of the Final Safety Analysis Report of ANGRA 2 (FSAR-A2) reports this specific kind of accident. The results from this work demonstrated the several flow regimes and heat transfer modes that can be present in the core of ANGRA 2 during the postulated accident. The results obtained for ANGRA 2 nuclear reactor core during the postulated accident were satisfactory when compared with the FSAR-A2. Additionally, the results showed the correct actuation of the ECCS guaranteeing the integrity of the reactor core.Artigo IPEN-doc 26380 RELAP5 code simulation of the small break loss of coolant accident of 80 cm² in the cold leg of Angra2 primary loop2019 - BORGES, EDUARDO M.; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANE; BRAZ FILHO, FRANCISCO A.; GUIMARÃES, LAMARTINE N.F.The aim of this paper was to simulate and evaluate the basic design accident of 80 cm² small break loss of coolant accident (SBLOCA) in the cold leg of the primary loop of the Angra2 nuclear power plant. In this simulation, it was verified that the actuation logics of the Angra2 Reactor Protection System (RPS) and the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) used in this simulation worked correctly, maintaining core integrity with acceptable temperatures throughout the event. The results obtained were satisfactory when compared with those presented by the Angra2 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR/A2).Artigo IPEN-doc 24026 Identification of flow regimes and heat transfer modes in ANGRA2 core during the simulation of the small break loss of coolant accident of 250 cm2 in the cold leg of primary loop using RELAP5 code2017 - BORGES, EDUARDO M.; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANEThe aim of this paper is to identify the flow regimes, the heat transfer modes, and the correlations used by RELAP5/MOD3.2.gama code in ANGRA 2 during the Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident (SBLOCA) with a 250cm2 of rupture area in the cold leg of primary loop. The Chapter 15 of the Final Safety Analysis Report of ANGRA 2 (FSAR-A2) reports this specific kind of accident. The results from this work demonstrated the several flow regimes and heat transfer modes that can be present in the core of ANGRA 2 during the postulated accident. The results obtained for Angra2 nuclear reactor core during the postulated accident were satisfactory when compared with the FSAR-A2. Additionally, the results showed the correct actuation of the ECCS guaranteeing the integrity of the reactor core.Artigo IPEN-doc 21060 Flow regimes and heat transfer modes identification in ANGRA 2 core, during small break in the primary loop with area of 100 cmsup(2), simulated with RELAP5 code2015 - BORGES, EDUARDO M.; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANEArtigo IPEN-doc 20398 Simulação do acidente de perda de refrigerante na linha do sistema de resfriamento de emergência do núcleo, conectada à perna fria do circuito primário de ANGRA 22014 - BORGES, EDUARDO M.; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANEArtigo IPEN-doc 15276 Comparison between experimental data and numerical modeling for the natural circulation phenomenon2009 - SABUNDJIAN, GAIANE; ANDRADE, DELVONEI A.; UMBEHAUN, PEDRO E.; TORRES, WALMIR M.; MACEDO, LUIZ A.; CONTI, THADEU N.; MESQUITA, ROBERTO N.; MASOTTI, PAULO H.F.; PENHA, ROSANI M.L.; SILVA FILHO, MAURO F.; MELO, GABRIEL R.; BRAZ FILHO, FRANCISCO A.; BORGES, EDUARDO M.Artigo IPEN-doc 15273 Verification and validation of one dimensional models used in subcooled flow boiling analysis2009 - BRAZ FILHO, FRANCISCO A.; CALDEIRA, ALEXANDRE D.; BORGES, EDUARDO M.; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANE