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Resumo IPEN-doc 11433 Comparative studies of pituitary (NIDDK, USA) and recombinant (Thyrogen and IPEN) human thyroid stimulating hormone (hTSH) for what concerns cabohydrate structures and charge heterogeneity2006 - OLIVEIRA, J.E.; LOUREIRO, R.F.; CARVALHO, C.M.; DAMIANI, R.; BARTOLINI, P.; RIBELA, M.T.C.P.Resumo IPEN-doc 16160 Charge isomer distribution of different pituitary and recombinant human thyrotropin (hTSH) preparations2010 - DAMIANI, R.; OLIVEIRA, J.E.; ALMEIDA, B.E.; BARTOLINI, P.; RIBELA, M.T.C.P.