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  • Artigo IPEN-doc 09367
    A-type apatite/ESR dosimetry in the therapy dose level to photons
    2002 - OLIVEIRA, L.M.; RODRIGUES, L.N.
    In this report is evaluated the response of the apatite powder ESR dosimeter irradiated with 60Co photons in the 0.2-100 Gy range. The specific material was developed in a previous systematic study, which established the correlation between synthesis process, structural and dosimetric properties ofthe A-type synthetic apatite. An excellent linear fit was obtained to the dose response in the therapy leveI. Sources of the uncertainty intrinsic to the dosimeter and to the ESR technique was evaluated showing the excellent precision leveI achievable with the apatite powder dosimeter. Improvements can be performed to increase dosimeter accuracy.