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Artigo IPEN-doc 09161 The influence of unstable signals for electron spin resonance dosimetry with synthetic A-type carbonated apatite2002 - OLIVEIRA, L.M.; ROSSI, A.M.; LOPES, R.T.; RODRIGUES, L.N.Synthetic A-type carbonated apatite prepared in controlled conditions was irradiated at room temperature with 60Co gamma rays. The ESR spectrum was associated to axial CO2- and orthorhombic CO3- species. Radicals used as dose markers in biological apatites are long-lived paramagnetic species. The stability of the post-irradiation signal of A-type apatite was investigated for almost 2 years. Measurements showed variations in the spectra attributed to unstable CO3- species, which can be eliminated by thermal treatments at 100ĀŗC for 24 h. Results indicated the potential use of an A-type carbonated apatite as a dosemeter.Artigo IPEN-doc 12724 Implementation of a quality assurance program for computerized treatment planning systems2007 - CAMARGO, PRISCILLA R.T.L.; RODRIGUES, LAURA N.; FURNARI, LAURA; RUBO, RODRIGO A.In the present investigation, the necessary tests for implementing a quality assurance program for a commercial treatment planning system (TPS), recently installed at Sao Paulo University School of Medicine Clinicas HospitalāBrazil, was established and performed in accordance with the new IAEA publication TRS 430, and with AAPM Task Group 53. The tests recommended by those documents are classified mainly into acceptance, commissioning (dosimetric and nondosimetric), periodic quality assurance, and patient specific quality assurance tests. The recommendations of both IAEA and AAPM documents are being implemented at the hospital for photon beams produced by two linear accelerators. A Farmer ionization chamber was used in a urn:x-wiley:00942405:media:mp2779:mp2779-math-0001 phantom with a dose rate of 320 monitor unit (MU)/min and 50 MU in the case of the dosimetric tests. The acceptance tests verified hardware, network systems integration, data transfer, and software parameters. The results obtained are in good agreement with the specifications of the manufacturer. For the commissioning dosimetric tests, the absolute dose was measured for simple geometries, such as square and rectangular fields, up to more complex geometries such as off-axis hard wedges and for behavior in the build up region. Results were analysed by the use of confidence limit as proposed by Venselaar et al. [Radio Ther. Oncol. 60, 191ā201 (2001)]. Criteria of acceptability had been applied also for the comparison between the values of MU calculated manually and MU generated by TPS. The results of the dosimetric tests show that work can be reduced by choosing to perform only those that are more crucial, such as oblique incidence, shaped fields, hard wedges, and buildup region behavior. Staff experience with the implementation of the quality assurance program for a commercial TPS is extremely useful as part of a training program.