Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais

Resultados de Busca

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  • Artigo IPEN-doc 26884
    Structural design and stress analysis of a high-speed turbogenerator assembly supported by hydrodynamic bearings
    Turbine and bushing bearing are the most critical components of high-speed machines. This article describes the design of a high-speed turbine supported by hydrodynamic bearings. The mathematical dimensioning and the FEM analysis are presented to validate the mechanical strength of the turbine and the bushing bearing models. Fatigue life and factor of safety were also determined. The simulations showed that the maximum Von Mises stress values obtained are associated to the centrifugal force generated by the system rotational movement. The results variation was mainly due to the properties of the materials proposed. For the turbine, 7075-T6 aluminum alloy and SAE 4340 steel obtained satisfactory behavior under a constant operating speed of 30,000 RPM. For the hydrodynamic bearing, the TM23 bronze alloy exhibited excellent results, without fracture, and low mechanical deformation. The models exhibited a great potential employment in several applications, such as biogas systems to generate electrical energy, and educational test bench for thermodynamic and tribological simulations.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 26508
    Structural design and stress analysis of a high‑speed turbogenerator assembly supported by hydrodynamic bearings
    Turbine and bushing bearing are the most critical components of high-speed machines. This paper describes the design of a high-speed turbine supported by hydrodynamic bearings. The mathematical dimensioning and the FEM analysis are presented to validate the mechanical strength of the turbine and the bushing bearing models. Fatigue life and factor of safety are also determined. The simulations show that the maximum von Mises stress values obtained are associated with the centrifugal force generated by the system rotational movement. The results variation is mainly due to the properties of the materials proposed. For the turbine, 7075-T6 aluminum alloy and SAE 4340 steel obtained satisfactory behavior under a constant operating speed of 30,000 RPM. For the hydrodynamic bearing, the TM23 bronze alloy exhibited excellent results, without fracture, and low mechanical deformation. The models exhibited a great potential employment in several applications, such as biogas systems to generate electrical energy, and educational test bench for thermodynamic and tribological simulations.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 25372
    Análise do comportamento estático de mancais hidrodinâmicos pelo método de elementos finitos
    2018 - BENTO, R.T.; FERRUS FILHO, A.
    Mancais são dispositivos empregados em conjuntos mecânicos a fim de suportar cargas e dar apoio aos componentes gerais de um sistema, guiando ou restringindo os graus de liberdade durante a sua movimentação. Dentre os modelos de mancais mais empregados, os mancais hidrodinâmicos são largamente utilizados por suportarem situações onde há a necessidade de altas cargas, altas rotações e boa precisão. Desta maneira, o presente estudo visa através do modelamento da bucha um mancal hidrodinâmico realizar a análise estrutural estática do componente, empregando-se o Método de Elementos Finitos. Para validação do perfil geométrico da bucha, foi desenvolvido um estudo de materiais – liga de bronze TM 23 e TM 620; liga de alumínio 6061 e alumínio-lítio 8090 – avaliando o desempenho sob os esforços solicitados de acordo com as condições do projeto. Os resultados indicaram valores promissores para liga de bronze TM 23, validando o seu emprego em sistemas de alta rotação.