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Artigo IPEN-doc 26296 Development of a mobile unit with an electron beam accelerator (20 kw and 700 keV)2019 - SOMESSARI, SAMIR L.; FEHER, ANSELMO; SPRENGER, FRANCISCO E.; DUARTE, CELINA L.; SAMPA, MARIA H. de O.; OMI, NELSON M.; GASPER, RENATO R.; LAINETTI, FABIANA; FUGA, DANILO F.; RODRIGUES, MARCOS; CALVO, WILSON A.P.The purpose of the present study is therefore to install an electron beam accelerator (20 kW and 700 keV) in a mobile unit to treat effluent from petroleum production, for petroleum desulfurization and, in addition, for degradation of toxic organic compounds in wastewater for reusein, in partnerships with private and public institutions. Several technical aspects were considered in this installation, such as following the national transport legislation and the safety requirements (BSS, IAEA and CNEN Safety Standards). Technical characteristics of the electron beam accelerator (EBA) are energy of 700 keV and 28.5 mA of beam current, with 60 cm scan length. The installation of the EBA includes the developing and manufacturing a radiological shield. In several points of the mobile unit, GM type radiation sensors will be installed for radiological monitoring during irradiation processing, interlocked with the accelerator’s safe operating system. For the design of a vacuum system with mechanical pumps, ion pump and sensors, the following procedures will be carried out: a) design of an optimized system of the mobile unit power supply; b) development of a cooling system with deionized water and pressurized air for the cooling of the EBA systems in the scan horn, high voltage generator, control panel, vacuum system, among other peripherals; c) installation of the fan to cool the thin titanium window; d) installation of an ozone filter in the exhaust system to remove gas generated during irradiation; e) project of a mechanical structural reinforcement of the trailer was studied, improved and executed. In the mobile unit, a space was created for an analysis laboratory to monitor the wastewater before and after irradiation, establishing parameters in the quality control of the irradiated material.Capítulo IPEN-doc 22483 Overview of radiation technology for environmental remediation in Brazil2016 - DUARTE, C.L.; BORRELY, S.I.; OIKAWA, H.; MORI, M.N.; RELA, P.R.; COSTA, F.E.; SAMPA, M.H.O.Resumo IPEN-doc 08387 Tratamento de efluentes industriais complexos pelo Processo de Oxidacao Avancada por feixe de eletrons2001 - DUARTE, C.L.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; RELA, P.R.; OIKAWA, H.; BORRELY, S.I.; SILVEIRA, C.G.; CHERBAKIAN, E.H.; ABE, H.Artigo IPEN-doc 08795 Estudo da radiodegradacao dos compostos organicos odorificos geosmina e metilisoborniol presentes em agua do sistema Guarapiranga2002 - DUARTE, C.L.; SAKAGAMI, M.K.; MAUTONE, C.A.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; BORRELY, S.I.; SOMESSARI, E.S.O comprometimento dos mananciais pelo lançamento de esgotos clandestinos e lixo, tem levado à proliferação de algas, que liberam compostos odoríficos, em algumas das represas que compõem o sistema de abastecimento público da Grande São Paulo, principalmente nas águas provenientes das represas Guarapiranga e Rio Grande. Os principais compostos orgânicos responsáveis pelo gosto e odor da água potável consumida em São Paulo são a geosmina (GEO) e o metilisoborniol (MIB). No presente trabalho foi avaliada a eficiência do tratamento com radiação gama na remoção da GEO e do MIB e na melhora da qualidade da água proveniente da represa de Guarapiranga. Para tanto, as amostras de água bruta e após tratamento, provenientes da Estação de Tratamento Alto da Boa Vista da SABESP, foram irradiadas com doses de 0,5kGy, 1,0kGy, 2,0kGy e 3,0kGy. A eficiência do processo foi avaliada pela análise destes compostos orgânicos por cromatografia a gás. A radiação se mostrou eficiente na degradação de GEO e MIB nas doses aplicadas.Artigo IPEN-doc 08793 Influencia da presenca de metais na eficiencia de degradacao de compostos organicos pela irradiacao com feixe de eletrons2002 - DUARTE, C.L.; RIBEIRO, M.A.; OIKAWA, H.; SATO, I.M.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; SILVEIRA, C.G.Artigo IPEN-doc 08458 Decomposition of organic pollutants in industrial effluent induced by Advanced Oxidation Process with electron beam2001 - DUARTE, C.L.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; RELA, P.R.; OIKAWA, H.; SILVEIRA, C.G.Artigo IPEN-doc 08446 Tratamento de efluentes industriais pelo Processo Avancado de Oxidacao por feixe de eletrons2000 - DUARTE, C.L.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; RELA, P.R.; OIKAWA, H.; BORRELY, S.I.; SILVEIRA, C.G.Artigo IPEN-doc 09121 Advanced oxidation process by electron-beam-irradiation-induced decomposition of pollutants in industrial effluents2001 - DUARTE, C.L.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; RELA, P.R.; OIKAWA, H.; SILVEIRA, C.G.; AZEVEDO, A.L.Artigo IPEN-doc 09912 Treatment of industrial effluents using electron beam accelerator and adsorption with activated carbon: a compartive study2003 - SAMPA, M.H.O.; RELA, P.R.; CASAS, A.L.; MORI, M.N.; DUARTE, C.L.Artigo IPEN-doc 09949 Efficiency of organic compounds removal by electron-beam irradiation in presence of high metal concentrations2003 - DUARTE, C.L.; RIBEIRO, M.A.; SATO, I.M.; SAMPA, M.H.O.
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