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Artigo IPEN-doc 29684 Computational fluid dynamics analysis of an open-pool nuclear research reactor core for fluid flow optimization using a channel box2023 - SCURO, N.L.; ANGELO, G.; ANGELO, E.; PIRO, M.H.A.; UMBEHAUN, P.E.; TORRES, W.M.; ANDRADE, D.A.A channel box installation in the IEA-R1 research reactor core was numerically investigated to increase fluid flow in fuel assemblies (FAs) and side water channels (SWCs) between FAs by minimizing bypasses in specific regions of the reactor core, which is expected to reduce temperatures and oxidation effects in lateral fuel plates (LFPs). To achieve this objective, an isothermal three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model was created using Ansys CFX to analyze fluid flow distribution in the Brazilian IEA-R1 research reactor core. All regions of the core and realistic boundary conditions were considered, and a detailed mesh convergence study is presented. Results comparing both scenarios are presented in the percentage of use of the primary circuit pump. It is indicated that 21.4% of fluid bypass to unnecessary regions can be avoided with the channel box installation, which leads to the total mass flow from the primary circuit for all FAs increasing from 68.9% (without a channel box) to 77.6% (with a channel box). For the SWCs, responsible for cooling LFPs, an increment from 9.7% to 22.4%, avoiding all nondesired cross three-dimensional effects, was observed, resulting in a more homogeneous fluid flow and vertical velocities. It was concluded that the installation of a channel box numerically indicates an expressive mass flow increase and homogeneous fluid flow distribution for flow dynamics in relevant regions. This gives greater confidence to believe that lower temperatures, and consequently oxidation effects in LFPs, can be expected with a channel box installation.Artigo IPEN-doc 28529 RANS-based CFD calculation for pressure drop and mass flow rate distribution in an MTR fuel assembly2021 - SCURO, N.L.; ANGELO, G.; ANGELO, E.; UMBEHAUN, P.E.; TORRES, W.M.; SANTOS, P.H.G.; FREIRE, L.O.; ANDRADE, D.A.This work presents a Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes–based computational fluid dynamics methodology for the calculation of pressure drop and mass flow rate distribution in a material test reactor flat-plate-type standard fuel assembly (SFA) of the IEA-R1 Brazilian research reactor to predict future improvements in newer SFA designs. The results improve the understanding of the origin of fuel plate oxidation due to high temperatures, and consequently, due to the internal flow dynamics. All numerical analyses were performed with the ANSYS-CFX® commercial code. The observed results show that the movement pin decreases the central channel mass flow due to the length of the vortex at the inlet region. However, the outlet nozzle showed greater general influence in the flow dynamics. It should have a more gradual cross-section transition being away from the fuel plates or a squarer-shaped design to get a more homogeneous mass flow distribution. Optimizing both regions could lead to a better cooling condition. The validation of the IEA-R1 numerical methodology was made by comparing the McMaster University’s dummy model experiment with a numerical model that uses the same numerical methodology. The experimental data were obtained with laser Doppler velocimetry, and the comparison showed good agreement for both pressure drop and mass flow rate distribution using the Standard k-ω turbulence model.