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Resumo IPEN-doc 08498 Chemical grade silicon - a study using the techniques of EDS, SEM and NAA1999 - MORCELLI, A.E.; MONTEIRO, W.A.; MAIHARA, V.A.; RODRIGUES, D.; FERREIRA NETO, J.B.; MONTAGNA, L.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 06266 Microstructural and microanalysis studies of intermetallic phases in a sample of chemical grade silicon1998 - MORCELLI, A.E.; MONTEIRO, W.A.; MONTAGNA, L.S.Dissertação IPEN-doc 08328 Estudos microestruturais e microanalise de fases intermetalicas presentes na producao do silicio grau quimico2002 - MORCELLI, APARECIDO E.Artigo IPEN-doc 06950 Microstructural and microanalysis studies of intermetallic phases in a sample of chemical grade silicon1998 - MORCELLI, A.E.; MONTEIRO, W.A.; MONTAGNA, L.S.