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Resumo IPEN-doc 27605 Neutron radiation effects on the NUMEN electronic 'System On Module'2020 - MEDINA, NILBERTO H.; GUAZZELLI, MARCILEI A.; AGUIAR, VITOR A.P.; LO PRESTI, DOMENICO; ADDED, NEMITALA; MACCHIONE, EDUARDO L.A.; OLIVEIRA, JOSE R.B.; MORALLES, MAURICIO; SIQUEIRA, PAULO de T.D.; ZAHN, GUILHERME; GENEZINI, FREDERICO; BONANNO, DANILO; GALLO, GIUSEPPE; RUSSO, SALVATORE; SGOUROS, ONOUFRIOS; MUOIO, ANNAMARIA; PANDOLA, LUCIANO; CAPPUZZELLO, FRANCESCOThe NUMEN (NUclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless double beta decay) project was recently proposed [1], with the aim to investigate the nuclear response to Double Charge Exchange (DCE) reactions for all the isotopes explored by present and future studies of 0νββ decay. The expected level of radiation in the NUMEN experiment imposes severe limitations on the average lifetime of the electronic devices. During the experiments it is expected that the electronic devices are exposed to about 105 neutrons/cm2/s according to FLUKA simulations. This work investigates the reliability of the System On Module (SOM) by National Instruments (NI) under neutron radiation [2]. The tests were performed using thermal, epithermal, and fast neutrons produced by the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN) 4.5 MW Nuclear Research Reactor. The results show the NI-SOM is robust to neutron radiation for the proposed applications in the NUMEN project.Artigo IPEN-doc 27255 Neutron radiation effects on an electronic system on module2020 - LO PRESTI, DOMENICO; MEDINA, NILBERTO H.; GUAZZELLI, MARCILEI A.; MORALLES, MAURICIO; AGUIAR, VITOR A.P.; OLIVEIRA, JOSE R.B.; ADDED, NEMITALA; MACCHIONE, EDUARDO L.A.; SIQUEIRA, PAULO de T.D.; ZAHN, GUILHERME; GENEZINI, FREDERICO; BONANNO, DANILO; GALLO, GIUSEPPE; RUSSO, SALVATORE; SGOUROS, ONOUFRIOS; MUOIO, ANNAMARIA; PANDOLA, LUCIANO; CAPPUZZELLO, FRANCESCOThe NUMEN (NUclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless double beta decay) project was recently proposed with the aim to investigate the nuclear response to Double Charge Exchange reactions for all the isotopes explored by present and future studies of 0νββ decay. The expected level of radiation in the NUMEN experiment imposes severe limitations on the average lifetime of the electronic devices. During the experiments, it is expected that the electronic devices will be exposed to about 105 neutrons/cm2/s according to FLUKA simulations. This paper investigates the reliability of a System On Module (SOM) under neutron radiation. The tests were performed using thermal, epithermal, and fast neutrons produced by the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares 4.5MWNuclear Research Reactor. The results show that the National Instruments SOM is robust to neutron radiation for the proposed applications in the NUMEN project.Artigo IPEN-doc 25902 A proposal to study long-lived isotopes produced by thermal neutron irradiation of digital devices2019 - ZAHN, G.S.; GENEZINI, F.A.; MORALLES, M.; SIQUEIRA, P.T.D.; MEDINA, N.H.; AGUIAR, V.A.P.; MACCHIONE, E.L.A.; ADDED, N.; SILVEIRA, M.A.G. daIn this work, we present a facility to study errors in digital devices exposed to thermal neutrons from a beam hole in the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor, as well as the long-lived isotopes produced in the irradiation of digital electronic devices under a slow neutron field. Preliminary results obtained with the analysis of a 28nm SRAM-based Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGA are presented.Artigo IPEN-doc 21130 Boron film thickness determination to develop a low cost neutron using Monte Carlo Method2015 - COSTA, PRISCILA; RAELE, MARCUS P.; YORIYAZ, HELIO; SIQUEIRA, PAULO de T.D.; ZAHN, GUILHERME S.; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A.