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  • Resumo IPEN-doc 23916
    Water treatment adsorption and UV photodecomposition processes for antibiotics: Cephalexin and Amoxicillin
    2016 - REIS, A.S.; GUILHEN, S.N.; ORTIZ, N.
    The developed of water treatment process to adsorb and decompose the pharmaceutical antibiotic amoxicillin and cephalexin using iron oxide –hematite, quitosan and UV radiation. The equilibrium time te= 180 min and the removal percentage for amoxicillin was 90% similar with those found in literature. In same experimental parameters the Cephalexin removal percentage was 25% some parameter have been alter to promote the photodecomposition such antibiotic mixture. The results confirm an indicate the possible use of UV photodecomposition reaction as a promising water treatment to treat, adsorb and decompose antibiotic residues in the environment.