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Artigo IPEN-doc 30360 Review of advances in coating and functionalization of gold nanoparticles2024 - ROSERO, WILMMER A.A.; BARBEZAN, ANGELICA B.; SOUZA, CARLA D. de; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.Nanoparticles, especially gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) have gained increasing interest in biomedical applications. Used for disease prevention, diagnosis and therapies, its significant advantages in therapeutic efficacy and safety have been the main target of interest. Its application in immune system prevention, stability in physiological environments and cell membranes, low toxicity and optimal bioperformances are critical to the success of engineered nanomaterials. Its unique optical properties are great attractors. Recently, several physical and chemical methods for coating these NPs have been widely used. Biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, peptides, antibodies, proteins, carbohydrates and biopolymers, among others, have been widely used in coatings of Au NPs for various biomedical applications, thus increasing their biocompatibility while maintaining their biological functions. This review mainly presents a general and representative view of the different types of coatings and Au NP functionalization using various biomolecules, strategies and functionalization mechanisms.Resumo IPEN-doc 30145 Synthesis, activation and application testing of gold nanoparticles for nanobrachytherapy2023 - ROSERO, WILMMER A.A.; BARBEZAN, ANGELICA B.; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.; SOUZA, CARLA D. de; NOGUEIRA, BEATRIZ R.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.For more than 50 years, the Energy and Nuclear Research Institute IPEN, has been offering solutions to Brazil through nuclear technology. Thus, one of the main areas where IPEN has contributed assertively is medicine. Reaching the level of 32 radiopharmaceuticals and radioactive sources intended both for therapy and for the diagnosis of several pathologies, including cancer, which are obtained with the help of the two nuclear reactors and two cyclotrons present in the institution. The Institute has a team for the development, production and distribution of radioactive sources for brachytherapy, such as 192 Ir wires and 125 I seeds. Brachytherapy is a cancer treatment technique where the radioactive source is placed close to or in contact with the lesion. The great advantage of the technique is to save healthy tissues. Currently, we are working on obtaining nanometric materials that can be applied in the emerging nano brachytherapy, because of its properties and characteristics at the nanometric level, gold has been the subject of studies and tests. Elemental Au gold can be activated 198 Au inside a nuclear reactor, and has β- decay and a half-life of 2.7 days, which makes it ideal for short-term irradiations. In addition, gold in the form of nanoparticles has a completely different chemistry, with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) being easily functionalized by a large part of molecular and polymeric binders, which may present favorable characteristics for the studies, and together with AuNPs they are able to work synergistically to achieve greater efficiencies. Currently, AuNPs have been successfully functionalized with gum arabic (GA), a coating widely used in the cosmetic and food industry, which is low cost and along with nanoparticles has shown biocompatibility with different cell groups and has been shown to be very stable over time. The project includes studies regarding the synthesis of nanoparticles, coating, cytotoxicity of AuNPs in vitro "cold" (non-radioactive) and the development of activation protocols in the nuclear reactor. In the next phase, after activation, in the reactor, "hot" tests will be performed in vitro and in vivo.Artigo IPEN-doc 28693 Synthesis, in vitro testing, and biodistribution of surfactant-free radioactive nanoparticles for cancer treatment2022 - SOUZA, CARLA D. de; BARBEZAN, ANGELICA B.; ROSERO, WILMMER A.A.; SANTOS, SOFIA N. dos; CARVALHO, DIEGO V. de S.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; BERNARDES, EMERSON S.; VIEIRA, DANIEL P.; SPENCER, PATRICK J.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S.; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.New forms of cancer treatment, which are effective, have simple manufacturing processes, and easily transportable, are of the utmost necessity. In this work, a methodology for the synthesis of radioactive Gold-198 nanoparticles without the use of surfactants was described. The nuclear activated Gold-198 foils were transformed into H198AuCl4 by dissolution using aqua regia, following a set of steps in a specially designed leak-tight setup. Gold-198 nanoparticles were synthesized using a citrate reduction stabilized with PEG. In addition, TEM results for the non-radioactive product presented an average size of 11.0 nm. The DLS and results for the radioactive 198AuNPs presented an average size of 8.7 nm. Moreover, the DLS results for the PEG-198AuNPs presented a 32.6 nm average size. Cell line tests showed no cytotoxic effect in any period and the concentrations were evaluated. Furthermore, in vivo testing showed a high biological uptake in the tumor and a cancer growth arrest.Artigo IPEN-doc 26242 Gold nanoparticles stabilized with gum arabic for cancer treatment2019 - ROSERO, WILMMER A.A.; NOGUEIRA, BEATRIZ R.; SOUZA, CARLA D. de; GONZALEZ, ANDREZA A.D.C.C.; BARBEZAN, ANGELICA B.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and abnormal spread of cells. The number of deaths due to cancer is higher than the ones caused by AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined. Among the different options of cancer treatment radiotherapy (teletherapy and brachytherapy) sta nds out. The presence of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) may enhance energy deposition for teletherapy treatment. The use of nanoparticles for brachytherapy have been studied, and AuNPs is a good option once they can easily permeate tumor vasculature and remain in tumors. However, the tumor uptake of AuNPs may be significantly reduced due the attenuation with the formation of the protein coronas. The objective of this work is present the functionalization of AuNPs with arabic gum (GA). GA is a biocompatible, non toxic, water soluble, natural gum obtained from Acacia senegal tree. In this study, a synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), based on Turkevich method, using citrate (NaCit) solution as reducing agent and a HAuCl4 solution, under vigorously stirring and boiling temperature, going from a light yellow to a wine red in three minutes. The functionalization of the nanoparticles was performed with Arabic gum solutions, in three different concentrations , which were a dded under stirring to the AuNPs already obtai ned. Samples were characterized to measure the size of the samples. Lower concentrations o GA in the solution presented smaller coated particles (up to 45 nm).