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Artigo IPEN-doc 16904 Uranium recovery from waste of the nuclear fuel cycle plants at IPEN-CNEN/SP2011 - FREITAS, ANTONIO A.; FERREIRA, JOAO C.; ZINI, JOSIANE; SCAPIN, MARCOS A.; CARVALHO, FATIMA M.S. deArtigo IPEN-doc 13274 Recuperacao de chumbo-208 radiogenico de residuo contendo torio e terras raras2008 - FERREIRA, J.C.; FREITAS, A.A. de; SENEDA, J.A.; CARVALHO, F.M.S. de; ABRAO, A.Artigo IPEN-doc 14064 Estudo de metais e de substâncias tóxicas em brinquedos2009 - ZINI, JOSIANE; FERREIRA, JOAO C.; CARVALHO, FATIMA M.S. de; BUSTILLOS, JOSE O.W.V.; SCAPIN, MARCOS A.; SALVADOR, VERA L.R.; ABRAO, ALCIDIOThe main goal of the present study is the analysis of toxic elements in plastic toys commercialized in Brazil. Metals like cadmium, lead, chromium, zinc, and aluminum, along with organic substances, such as phthalates, were identified in different toys by quantitative analytical techniques. Traces of thorium were detected in one of the studied samples. Although the measured radioactive dose was rather low, the presence of such a radioactive contaminant is against to the International Agency of Atomic Energy regulations. Similar toys manufactured in Brazil were analyzed and found to observe the standards defined by the National Institute of Metrology (Inmetro).