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Relatório IPEN-doc 24918 Avaliação técnica amostral da instrumentação do LOOP 70 para utilização no Circuito Orquídea2018 - SANTOS, SAMUEL C.; SANTOS, SERGIO O. dos; TORRES, WALMIR M.Este relatório apresenta o resultado da avaliação técnica de uma amostragem de transmissores de pressão, transmissores de pressão diferencial e transmissores temperatura do LOOP 70 para verificação da viabilidade de utilização destes instrumentos no circuito experimental Orquídea.Resumo IPEN-doc 24578 Experiments of loss of coolant in the IEA-R1 reactor2017 - MAPRELIAN, E.; TORRES, W.M.; BELCHIOR JUNIOR, A.; UMBEHAUN, P.E.; SANTOS, S.C.; FRANÇA, R.L.; PRADO, A.C.; MACEDO, L.A.; SILVA, A.T. E; BERRETTA, J.R.; SABUNDJIAN, G.The Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) has been considered Design Basis Accident (DBA) for several kind of reactors. The test section for experimental (STAR) for simulation of LOCA, using the Instrumented Fuel Assembly (IFA) EC-208 was designed, assembled, commissioned, and used for the experiments at the IEA-R1 Reactor. The experiments were performed for five different levels of fuel uncovering and two heat decay conditions. The five levels consisted of one total and four partial uncovering of the IFA. The results obtained for each experiment were the section level and 13 IFA temperatures. A data acquisition system was used to record the process parameters. The STAR section has proved to be a very safe and efficient tool for fuel uncovering experiments to obtain thermal-hydraulic data for research and development, and for the data to be compared with safety analysis code calculations.Artigo IPEN-doc 21115 Commissioning of the star test section for experimental simulation of loss coolant accident using the EC-208 instrumented fuel assembly of the IEA-R1 reactor2015 - MAPRELIAN, EDUARDO; TORRES, WALMIR M.; PRADO, ADELK C.; UMBEHAUN, PEDRO E.; FRANÇA, RENATO L.; SANTOS, SAMUEL C.; MACEDO, LUIZ A.; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANEArtigo IPEN-doc 20326 Vidros com efeito percolativo: possível modelo composicional2014 - SILVA, A.C.; SETZ, L.F.G.; SANTOS, S.C.; BRAGA, F.J.C.; MELLO CASTANHO, S.R.H.Resumo IPEN-doc 14665 ZrOsub(2) foams for heat recuperatives in gas burners2009 - SILVA, A.C.; SANTOS, S.C.; SETZ, L.F.G.; MELLO CASTANHO, S.R.H.Resumo IPEN-doc 19830 Yttria nettings by replica processing2013 - SANTOS, S.C.; ACCHAR, W.; YAMAGATA, C.; MELLO CASTANHO, S.R.H.Resumo IPEN-doc 19829 A viscoelasticidade em suspensões cerâmicas concentradas2013 - SETZ, L.F.G.; SILVA, A.C.; SANTOS, S.C.; MELLO CASTANHO, S.R.H.; MORELLI, M.R.Artigo IPEN-doc 20089 Yttria nettings by colloidal processing2014 - SANTOS, S.C.; ACCHAR, W.; YAMAGATA, C.; MELLO CASTANHO, S.