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Artigo IPEN-doc 20546 Review of brazilian activities related to the thorium fuel cycle and production of thorium compounds at IPEN-CNEN/SP2014 - LAINETTI, PAULO E. de O.; FREITAS, ANTONIO A. de; MINDRISZ, ANA C.Artigo IPEN-doc 08841 Transformacao via peroxido de um hidroxido bruto de torio em nitrato para camisas de lampiao2002 - FREITAS, A.A.; CARVALHO, F.M.S.; FERREIRA, J.C.; ABRAO, A.Artigo IPEN-doc 19507 Review of brazilian activities related to the thorium fuel cycle and production of thorium compounds at IPEN-CNEN/SP2013 - LAINETTI, PAULO E.O.; FREITAS, ANTONIO A.; MINDRISZ, ANA C.Artigo IPEN-doc 16904 Uranium recovery from waste of the nuclear fuel cycle plants at IPEN-CNEN/SP2011 - FREITAS, ANTONIO A.; FERREIRA, JOAO C.; ZINI, JOSIANE; SCAPIN, MARCOS A.; CARVALHO, FATIMA M.S. deArtigo IPEN-doc 16885 Molybdenum adsorption by alumina and dowex 1x8 resin for the separation and purification process of fission sup(99)Mo2011 - YAMAURA, M.; DAMASCENO, M.O.; FREITAS, A.A.; CAMILO, R.L.; ARAUJO, I.C.; FORBICINI, C.A.L.G. de O.Artigo IPEN-doc 17015 Review of the brazilian interest in the thorium fuel cycle and experience in the purification of thorium compounds obtained from monazite sands2011 - LAINETTI, PAULO E.O.; FREITAS, ANTONIO A.; MINDRISZ, ANA C.