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Artigo IPEN-doc 22578 Preservation of knowledge through networking with retirees2010 - BARROSO, A.C.O.; REIS-JUNIOR, J.S.B.; MONTEIRO, C.A.; SEARY, A.Nuclear organizations, in most countries, have for many years endured a process of a reducing workforce and of a shift of the average age of their technical professionals towards the mid fifties range. Loss of emphasis or phasing down of their nuclear programs has reduced substantially the hiring of new employees. As a result some knowledge management activities with emphasis on knowledge preservation have been undertaken in many such organizations. This work is part of an ongoing research effort aimed at studying spontaneously emerged knowledge preservation mechanisms at IPEN that could be leveraged and may be replicated in other organizations. In a previous paper recently presented at the XXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference a first round of results were presented, with emphasis on: (a) measuring the output of the network; (b) characterization of its key global properties and those of its key players; and (d) test of its robustness. This work shows some further results along the same path and starts a new perspective trying to unveil the factors and mechanisms that were responsible for the creation and nurturing of this network.Artigo IPEN-doc 22547 Study of the boron homogenizing process employing an experimental low-pressure bench simulating the IRIS reactor pressurizer - Part II2013 - BEZERRA, JAIR de L.; LIRA, CARLOS A.B. de O.; BARROSO, ANTONIO C. de O.; LIMA, FERNANDO R. de A.; SILVA, MARIO A.B. deArtigo IPEN-doc 21079 Collaboration networks and research productivity at IPEN2015 - MONTEIRO, CARLOS A.; BARROSO, ANTONIO C. de O.Capítulo IPEN-doc 11578 Appraising the knowledge in radiopharmacy center based on process mapping and knowledge domain cartography2005 - RICCIARDI, RITA I.; BARROSO, ANTONIO C.O.Artigo IPEN-doc 10968 Knowledge domains cartography of the radiopharmacy center of IPEN - a case study2004 - RICCIARDI, R.I.; BARROSO, A.C.O.; EMINE, J.L.Artigo IPEN-doc 19474 An experimental low-pressure facility to study boron transients in the pressurizer of an integral modular nuclear reactor2013 - NASCIMENTO, SAMIRA R.V.; LIRA, CARLOS A.B.O.; LAPA, CELSO M.F.; BEZERRA, JAIR L.; SILVA, MARIO A.B.; LIMA, FERNANDO R.A.; BARROSO, ANTONIO C.O.; LOURDES, MARIA deArtigo IPEN-doc 09275 CNEN in the IRIS Project2002 - BARROSO, A.C.O.; BAPTISTA FILHO, B.D.; PALMIERI, E.T.; SABUNDJIAN, G.; ANDRADE, D.A.; MACEDO, L.A.IRIS, the International Reactor Innovative and Secure is an international development program of an innovative, water cooled reactor designed to meet the requirements of proliferation resistance, enhanced safety, cost effectiveness, modular deployment, innovative waste management and high efficiency fuel. By the end of 2001 CNEN signed a collective agreement with Westinghouse Electric Company to officially participate in the development of this integral primary system reactor (IPSR). CNEN team is responsible for the internal pressurizer design and for the independent review of RELAP 5 input file. The design tasks for the pressurizer have included steam-water volume sizing, pressurizer to vessel physical separation, thermal insulation and surge connections dimensioning. Future work will address the need of passive spray devices, honeycomb insulation and surge baffles. This paper present some of the most relevant characteristics of the IRIS design and the preliminary results of pressurizer design, operating modes analysis and transients analysis with RELAP 5.Artigo IPEN-doc 16919 How knowledge and tchnology are created in a research institute2011 - MONTEIRO, CARLOS A.; BARROSO, ANTONIO C. de O.Artigo IPEN-doc 17155 Safety culture and networks of influence2011 - PEREIRA, CARLOS H.V.; BARROSO, ANTONIO C.O.; VIEIRA NETO, ANTONIO S.Artigo IPEN-doc 15227 Competences that managers should possess - acase study at IPEN2009 - GIMENES, CELSO H.; BARROSO, ANTONIO C. de O.; IMAKUMA, KENGO