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Artigo IPEN-doc 30688 Geochemical evaluation of radionuclides in soil near a dismantled Th and U pilot plant in São Paulo, Brazil2024 - OLIVEIRA, K.G.; REDIGOLO, M.M.; TICIANELLI, R.B.; COTRIM M.E.; SILVA, P.S.C. da; CAMARGO, I.M.C.Artigo IPEN-doc 30521 Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) as an approach to the safety management of nuclear facilities2024 - GUILHEN, S.N.; CAMARGO, I.M.C.; MARUMO, J.T.; SILVA, T.M. da; RUBIN, G.A.; NETO, A.S.V.Artigo IPEN-doc 28396 Características químicas do lodo da ETA de Cubatão, São Paulo2021 - HIGASHI, RODRIGO J.A.; CAMARGO, IARA M.C. de; BOSCOV, MARIA E.G.Artigo IPEN-doc 26462 Long-term leaching of As, Cd, Mo, Pb, and Zn from coal fly ash in column test2019 - LANGE, C.N.; FLUES, M.; HIROMOTO, G.; BOSCOV, M.E.G.; CAMARGO, I.M.C.Globally, millions of tons of coal fly ash (CFA) are generated per year, and the majority of this material is usually stored in stock piles or landfills, and in a long-term, it can be an environmental hazard if rainwater infiltrates the ashes. Long-term leaching studies of Brazilian ashes are scarce. The purpose of this study was to evaluate arsenic, cadmium, molybdenum, lead, and zinc leaching behavior from a Brazilian CFA by a column experiment designed to simulate field conditions: slightly acid rain considering seasonality of precipitation and temperature for a long-term leaching period (336 days). All elements were leached from CFA, except lead. Elements leaching behavior was influenced by leaching time, leaching volume, and temperature. Higher leachability of As and Cd from CFA during warm and wet season was observed. Results indicate a potential risk to soil and groundwater, since ashes are usually stored in uncovered fields on power plants vicinity.Artigo IPEN-doc 24182 Soft systems methodology as a systemic approach to nuclear safety management2017 - VIEIRA NETO, ANTONIO S.; GUILHEN, SABINE N.; RUBIN, GERSON A.; CALDEIRA FILHO, JOSE S.; CAMARGO, IARA M.C.Safety approach currently adopted by nuclear installations is built almost exclusively upon analytical methodologies based, mainly, on the belief that the properties of a system, such as its safety, are given by its constituent parts. This approach, however, doesn’t properly address the complex dynamic interactions between technical, human and organizational factors occurring within and outside the organization. After the accident at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011, experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recommended a systemic approach as a complementary perspective to nuclear safety. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the systems thinking approach and its potential use for structuring sociotechnical problems involved in the safety of nuclear installations, highlighting the methodologies related to the soft systems thinking, in particular the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM). The implementation of a systemic approach may thus result in a more holistic picture of the system by the complex dynamic interactions between technical, human and organizational factors.Artigo IPEN-doc 22766 A Brazilian coal fly ash as a potential source of rare earth elements2017 - LANGE, CAMILA N.; CAMARGO, IARA M.C.; FIGUEIREDO, ANA MARIA G.M.; CASTRO, LILIANA; VASCONCELLOS, MARINA B.A.; TICIANELLI, REGINA B.Rare earth elements (REEs) have several applications and their market demands have increased. Recently, coal fly ash (CFA) has been considered as a source of these elements. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the REEs content in a CFA from a Brazilian coal power plant by instrumental neutron analysis, to classify it according to commercial purposes and to assess the weathering impact in the REEs content, since it is held in fields nearby the power plant. The results pointed no significant REEs leachability and indicated this CFA as a promising REEs source.Resumo IPEN-doc 22493 Rare earth elements content and leachability in coal fly ash from figueira coal power plant2016 - LANGE, CAMILA N.; VASCONCELLOS, MARINA B.A.; FIGUEIREDO, ANA M.G.; CAMARGO, IARA M.C. de; CASTRO, LILIANA; TICIANELLI, REGINA B.Resumo IPEN-doc 22114 Determinação do coeficiente de distribuição (Kd) de Zn, As, Pb, Mo e Cd no perfil de solo de Figueiras coletado abaixo dos rejeitos das minas de carvão do Estado do Paraná2007 - SILVA, JULIANA C. da; CAMARGO, IARA M.C. deArtigo IPEN-doc 16732 Lixiviação de elementos tóxicos em solo contaminado com cinza2011 - LANGE, CAMILA N.; SILVA, JULIANA C.; CAMARGO, IARA M.C. deArtigo IPEN-doc 19918 Retenção de elementos tóxicos em solo argiloso contaminado com cinza de carvão2011 - SILVA, JULIANA C.; LANGE, CAMILA N.; BOCCI, CIBELE S.; CAMARGO, IARA M.C. de