
Degree in Physics from Universidade de SĆ£o Paulo (1977); master degree in Nuclear Technology from Universidade de SĆ£o Paulo (1980) and doctorate in Nuclear Technology from Universidade de SĆ£o Paulo (2002). Has experience in radioactive waste management, acting on the following subjects: radioactive waste characterization, treatment and disposal; disposal of disused sealed radioactive sources. (Text obtained from the CurrĆ­culo Lattes on November 25th 2021)

Ɖ bacharel em FĆ­sica pela Universidade de SĆ£o Paulo (1977), tem mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear pela Universidade de SĆ£o Paulo (1980) e doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear pela Universidade de SĆ£o Paulo (2002). Atualmente Ć© tecnologista da ComissĆ£o Nacional de Energia Nuclear. Tem experiĆŖncia na Ć”rea de Engenharia Nuclear, com especializaĆ§Ć£o em GestĆ£o de Rejeitos Radioativos, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: gerenciamento, tratamento e deposiĆ§Ć£o de rejeitos radioativos. (Texto extraĆ­do do CurrĆ­culo Lattes em 25 nov. 2021)

Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais

Resultados de Busca

Agora exibindo 1 - 2 de 2
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 21242
    A new storage facility for institutional radioactive wastes at IPEN
    IPEN, the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil, has been managing the radioactive wastes generated in its own activities of research and radioisotope production as well as those received from many radioisotope users in the country since its start up in 1958. Final disposal options are presently unavailable for the wastes that cannot be managed by release after decay. Treated and untreated wastes including disused sealed radioactive sources and solid and liquid wastes containing radionuclides of the uranium and thorium series or fission and activation products are among the categories that are under safe and secure storage. This paper discusses the aspects considered in the design and describes the startup of a new storage facility for these wastes.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 09737
    Management of spent sealed radiation sources
    2004 - VICENTE, R.; SORDI, G.M.A.A.; HIROMOTO, G.