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Artigo IPEN-doc 09109 Advanced oxidation process by electron-beam-irradiation-induced decomposition of pollutants in industrial effluents2002 - DUARTE, C.L.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; RELA, P.R.; OIKAWA, H.; SILVEIRA, C.G.; AZEVEDO, A.L.Artigo IPEN-doc 09074 Radiolytic degradation and toxicity changes in gamma-irradiated solutions of 2,4-dichlorophenol2002 - TROJANOWICZ, M.; DRZEWICZ, P.; PANTA, P.; GLUSZEWSKI, W.; NALECZ JAWECKI, G.; SAWICKI, J.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; OIKAWA, H.; BORRELY, S.I.; CZAPLICKA, M.; SZEWCZYNSKA, M.Artigo IPEN-doc 07383 Radiation processing of wastewater evaluated by toxicity assays2000 - BORRELY, S.I.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; PEDROSO, C.B.; OIKAWA, H.; SILVEIRA, C.G.; CHERBAKIAN, E.H.; SANTOS, M.C.F.Artigo IPEN-doc 07384 Application of electron beam irradiation combined to conventional treatment to treat industrial effluents2000 - DUARTE, C.L.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; RELA, P.R.; OIKAWA, H.; CHERBAKIAN, E.H.; SENA, H.C.; ABE, H.; SCIANI, V.