
Graduada em Engenharia de Materiais (UFSCar, Universidade Federal de São Carlos), Mestre em Tecnologia Nuclear (IPEN/USP, Universidade de São Paulo) e Doutora em Ciências Químicas-Cerâmicos (UAM/ES -ICV/CSIC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Espanha e Instituto de Ceramica y Vidrio/CSIC de Espanha). Ela é Pesquisadora Senior e atualmente Gestora Adjunta em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia de Materiais (CCTM) do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP). É Professora da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), no programa de posgraduação Tecnologia Nuclear - Materiais. Coordenadora do grupo de pesquisas (GP/CNPq) em Materiais e Meio Ambiente. Principais áreas de atuação: - Energias Renováveis (células a combustível, catalizadores e biomassa), - Ambiental (mitigação, inertização e requalificação de efluentes e subprodutos de processos extrativistas e industriais, diretivas ambientais (RhOS, WEEE)), - Cerâmicas Biocompatíveis (vidros, compósitos multifuncionais para a implantologia). Experiência em gestão de Centro de Pesquisas, gestão ambiental, gestão de projetos, planejamento composicional de materiais, processamento coloidal, reologia, vidros e vitroceramicos, compósitos multifuncionais e nanoestruturas naturais. (Texto extraído do Currículo Lattes em 27 dez. 2021)

Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais

Resultados de Busca

Agora exibindo 1 - 4 de 4
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 25843
    Use of waste water glass as silica supplier in synthesis of pure and Mg-doped lanthanum silicate powders for IT-SOFC application
    2019 - YAMAGATA, C.; LEME, D.R.; CASTANHO, S.R.H.M.
    Water glass in alkali solution (Na2SiO3/NaOH) an abundant effluent, generated in the alkaline fusion of zircon sand, represents a potential silica source to be converted in useful silica technological application. Actually, the generation of energy by environmental-friendly method is one of the major challenges for researchers. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) is efficient and environmentally clean technique to energy production, since it converts chemical energy into electrical power, directly. Apatite-type lanthanum silicates are promising materials for application as an electrolyte in intermediate temperature SOFC (IT-SOFC) because of their higher ionic conductivity, in temperatures of range 600–700 °C, than conventional zirconia electrolytes. In this work, pure (La9,56(SiO4)6O2,34) and Mg-doped (La9,8Si5,7Mg0,3O26,4) lanthanum silicate were synthesized, from that rich effluent. Using the sol-gel followed by precipitation method, the single crystalline apatite phase of both silicates was obtained by thermal treatment at 900 °C of their precursors. Sintered ceramic samples reached density of higher than 90%.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 21770
    Glass ceramic sealants belonging to BAS (BaO-Alsub(2)Osub(3)-SiOsub(2) ternary system modified with Bsub(2)Osub(3) addition
    Four compositions in the BaO–Al2O3–SiO2 system modified with B2O3 were investigated with regard to their use as glassy seals in anode supported SOFC or iT-SOFC. The glassy system studied contains varying percentages of SiO2, Al2O3, B2O3, and high content of BaO as modifier (67–74%-wt). Their glass transition (Tg) and maximum densification point lies between 630 and 680 ◦C, and 734 ◦C to 828 ◦C, respectively. The viscosities of the four glasses are situated between 107 to 109.5 Pa.s, in the sealing range (730–830 ◦C). Heat treatment at 850 ◦C, revealed crystalline phases identified as BaAl2Si2O8 (hexacelsian) and BaSiO3. The thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of the obtained glasses (8.8–10.5 ppm/K) was comparable to zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte, and shows chemical compatibility and high characteristic bond strength (up to 33 ± 7 MPa). The compositions with higher BaO contentin the system studied seem to be good candidates for iT-SOFC sealant application.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 14935
    Tape casting of strontium and cobalt doped lanthanum chromite suspensions
    Lanthanum chromite (LaCrO3) is currently the most widely studied material as interconnector layers for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The complexity of microstructures and geometries of SOFC devices, which are usually built-up by lamination of the different constitutive layers, make it necessary a precise control of processing parameters to achieve the desired combination of properties. Much effort has been devoted to the processing of electrodes and electrolytes but the other layers, such as that of interconnecting material, have received scarce attention. This work deals with the preparation and optimisation of the rheological behaviour of concentrated suspensions of Sr- and Co-doped LaCrO3 and the subsequent tape casting to produce homogeneous thin sheets to be used in the SOFC stack. The starting powder was produced by combustion synthesis from the corresponding nitrates and urea as a fuel, and had a final composition of La0.80Sr0.20Cr0.92Co0.08O3. These powders were dispersed in ethanol with commercial copolymers (Hypermer, KD6) to solids loading of up to 58wt%. The binding system (BS) consisted of a mixture of a binder, polyvinyl butyral-co-vinyl alcohol-co-vinyl acetate (PVA-PVAc), and two plasticizers, polyethyleneglycol (PEG400) and benzylbutylphthalate (BBP). The effect of the binding system content and the binder-to-plasticizer ratio on the tape casting performance and the characteristics of the green and the sintered tapes, were studied, as well as the influence of the casting parameters (casting speed and blades height).
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 16484
    Microstructure design by mechanical alloying
    Mixing and coprecipitation processes are, often, not enough in order to reach materials holding several functional components, like selective catalysts that must work simultaneously. Even though when a homogeneous and fine distribution of the constituents is obtained, the affinity between equal phase particles leads to coarsening during the consolidation (sintering) process, as well as on application, such as the material can loose high reactivity. The present work proposes a new consolidation route – sintering by activated surface (SAS) – that employs sacrificial metal layers to avoid coarsening and to increase the diffusion profiles during sintering, once high activity surfaces are exposed during the first sintering step. Regarding limited oxygen potential is established in the sintering atmosphere, the SAS effect is engaged when a specific projected powder microstructure obtained by mechanical alloying (MA) processing is provided. The MA is driven in such a way that yields cermet powders particles with lamellar pod-like like structures, as shown in the SEM image. This projected morphology comprises the ceramic round particles plated by thin metal layers or embedded on them. Porous nickel–zirconia based cermets are studied with Cu and some selected refractory metal additives. The refractory metals are expected to repeal Cu, which remains in pure state at the cermet. By its turn, Cu addition is postulated to prevent coking when fuel-reforming reactions are involved at the application (e.g. in solid oxide fuel cells). Furthermore, Cu is desired since it promotes shrinkage and lower the sintering temperatures. The SAS process running under argon atmospheres with controlled oxygen partial pressure is found to further reduce the sintering temperature by 100–300 ◦C, for cermets final densities above 60%TD. The sintering behaviour depends on the chosen additive, being Ag, Cu and Mo the most effective ones. The resulted sintered parts attain a suitable density and phase dispersion for catalysis applications.