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Artigo IPEN-doc 27751 Synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4-HfO2 nanoparticles by hyperfine interactions measurements2021 - SALES, T.S.N.; BURIMOVA, A.; RODRIGUES, P.S.; MATOS, I.T.; CABRERA-PASCA, G.A.; SAXENA, R.N.; PEREIRA, L.F.D.; OTUBO, L.; CARBONARI, A.W.Nanoparticles (NPs) that combine biocompatibility and enhanced physical characteristics for biomedical applications are currently an area of intense scientific research. Hafnium oxide NPs are an innovative approach in the anticancer treatment by radiotherapy due to their low toxicity and enhancement of local dose in the tumor reducing the total radiation dose for the patient. The combination of this property with the excellent magnetic hyperthermia performance of Fe3O4 NPs can produce a promising nanomaterial for cancer therapy. In this work, we attempted to synthesize nanoscale samples of HfO2 doped with nominal 10 at.% Fe, and Fe3O4 doped with Hf at 10 at.% level using simple chemical routes. The crystal structure of the samples was characterized by X-ray diffraction. The material was irradiated with neutrons in a research reactor, the nuclear reaction 180Hf(n, γ)181Hf yielding the probe nucleus 181Hf(181Ta) used in the perturbed angular correlations experiments to measure hyperfine interactions. Despite their immediate response to the external magnetic field, at local level both samples showed only electric quadrupole interaction typical of the monoclinic hafnia indicating that Fe replaces Hf in HfO2 NPs, but, rather than substituting Fe, Hf enters magnetite in the form of HfO2 clusters. Transmission Electron Microscopy was exploited to study the morphology of these complex systems, as well as to localize hafnia clusters and understand the nature of their coupling to Fe3O4 specks.Artigo IPEN-doc 27153 High-saturation magnetization in small nanoparticles of Fe3O4 coated with natural oils2020 - CORRÊA, BRUNO S.; COSTA, MESSIAS S.; CABRERA-PASCA, GABRIEL A.; SENA, CLEIDILANE; PINTO, RAFAEL H.H.; SILVA, ANA P.S.; CARVALHO JUNIOR, RAUL N.; ISHIDA, LINA; RAMON, JONATHAN G.A.; FREITAS, RAFAEL S.; SAIKI, MITIKO; MATOS, IZABELA T.; CORRÊA, EDUARDO L.; CARBONARI, ARTUR W.The enhancement of nanoparticle’s magnetic properties with a suitable coating is the main tool to increase their potential as an effective candidate for applications in different areas, especially in biomedicine. In the work here reported, Fe3O4 nanoparticles coated with natural oils were synthesized by iron (III) acetylacetonate thermal decomposition and the effects of the coating on the magnetic properties of these particles have been investigated. The oils were extracted from three Amazon fruits seeds: açaí, ucuúba, and bacaba by CO2 supercritical extraction process, and the relative percentage composition of fatty acids were determined by gas chromatography. A systematic study of crystalline, morphological, and magnetic properties revealed a saturation magnetization (Ms) enhancement and high values of the anisotropy constant for Fe3O4 samples when coated with açaí and ucuúba oils, which present a large percentage of saturated total fatty acid. Our results indicate that nanoparticles with sizes smaller than around 5 nm present Ms values as high as that found for bulk Fe3O4 and, consequently, much higher than Ms values for nanoparticles usually coated with oleic acid. The nuclear techniques neutron activation analysis and perturbed angular correlations were used to better characterize the nanoparticles.Artigo IPEN-doc 21145 Síntese de nanopartículas de óxido de ferro utilizando óleo de ucuúba2015 - CORREA, BRUNO S.; SILVA, ANA P.S.; CORDEIRO, RENATO M.; MATOS, IZABELA T.; CORREA, EDUARDO L.; EFFENBERGER, FERNANDO B.; SENA, CLEIDILANE; CARVALHO JUNIOR, RAUL N.; SAIKI, MITIKO; CARBONARI, ARTUR W.Artigo IPEN-doc 20983 Sintese e caracterização de nanopartículas magnéticas de Fesub(2)Osub(4) recobertas com óleo de açai para aplicações biomédicas2015 - SILVA, ANA P.S.; CORREA, BRUNO S.; BATISTA, CAMILA R.; PINTO, RAFAEL H.H.; CORDEIRO, RENATO M.; MATOS, IZABELA T.; EFFENBERGER, FERNANDO B.; JUNIOR, RAUL N.C.; SAIKI, MITIKO; SENA, CLEIDILANE; CARBONARI, ARTUR W.