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Resumo IPEN-doc 26846 Optical properties and radiation response of Li ion-doped CsI scintillator crystal2019 - PEREIRA, MARIA da C.C.; MADI FILHO, TUFIC; BERRETTA, JOSE R.; TOMAZ, LUCAS F.; MADI, MIRIAM N.Scintillators are materials that convert the energy of ionizing radiation into a flash of light. Due to the existence of different types of scintillators themselves, they were classified into three groups according to their physicochemical characteristics, namely, inorganic, organic and gaseous scintillators. Among the inorganic crystals, the most used as scintillator are constituted of alkali metals, in particular alkaline iodides. Scintillation materials are used in many applications, such as medical imaging, security, physics, biology, non-destructive inspection and medicine. In this work, lithium doped CsI scintillator crystals were grown using the vertical Bridgman technique. The concentration of the lithium doping element (Li) studied was 10-4 M to 10-1 M. Analyses were carried out to evaluate the scintillators developed concerning to luminescence emission and optical transmittance. The luminescence emission spectra of these crystals were measured with a monochromator for gamma radiation from 137Cs source excitation. The optical transmittance measurements were made in the CsI;Li crystal, in a spectral region of 200 nm to 1100 nm. Determination of the dopant distribution along the crystalline axis, allowing to identify the region with Li concentration uniformity, which is the region of the crystalline volume indicated for use as radiation detector. The crystals were excited with neutron radiation from AmBe source, with energy range of 1 MeV to 12 MeV. As with neutron sources also generate gamma radiation, which can interfere with the measurement, it is necessary that detector be able to discriminate the presence of such radiation. Accordingly, experiments were performed using gamma radiation in the energy range 59 keV to 1333 keV in order to verify the ability of the detector to discriminate the presence of different types of radiation.Resumo IPEN-doc 26845 Study and development of neutron detectors using doped CsI crystals2019 - MADI FILHO, TUFIC; PEREIRA, MARIA da C.C.; BERRETTA, JOSE R.; TOMAZ, LUCAS F.; MADI, MIRIAM N.In the development of nuclear radiation detectors one must take into consideration the process of interaction of the radiation under study with matter. In the case of neutron detectors it must be considered that the detection of neutrons is not trivial in view of the lack of charges of these particles and the peculiarity of their interactions with matter. Another difficulty in the detection of neutrons consists in the discrimination of the electronic impulses generated by the neutrons of those generated by other radiations, almost always present. The main propositions of neutron-sensitive detectors consist of gaseous detectors, scintillators and semiconductors. These detectors intrinsically are not sensitive to neutrons, so they need a radiation converter based on nuclear reactions of the type: Neutron + Converter -> Detectable radiation. Some reactions with neutrons are more used, such as: 10B (n, α), 6Li (n, α) and 3He (n, p). Neutron-scintillation crystal are being the object of active research in several research centers and having their implementations in several applications. The development of new radiation detectors using scintillation crystals, which increases response speed, dose and energy accuracy and, at the same time, the feasibility of simplifying and reducing costs in the production process is always necessary. In the CTR-IPEN laboratory, pure and doped CsI crystals were grown using the Bridgman technique. This work shows the obtained results using doped CsI scintillator with the converters: Br, Pb, Tl, Li as neutron detectors.