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Publicação IPEN-doc 00631 An accurate radioimmunoassay of human growth hormone with separation on polyacrylamide gel electrophotoresis of free antigen, antigen-antibody complex and damaged labelled antigen: further study of damaged labelled antigen to obtain long-lasting labelled products1978 - BARTOLINI, P.; ASSIS, L.M.; SCHWARZ, I.; MACCHIONE, M.; PIERONI, R.R.Publicação IPEN-doc 01021 An accurate determination of human growth hormone content in different pituitary extracts, using a radioimmunoassay with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as a bound-free separation system1977 - BARTOLINI, P.; ASSIS, L.M.; SCHWARZ, I.; PIERONI, R.R.Publicação IPEN-doc 00253 Avaliacao do metodo de radioimunoensaio na dosagem do hormonio de crescimento no plasma humano1973 - HIGA, O.Z.; SOUZA, I.T.T.; WAJCHENBERG, B.L.; PINTO, H.; PIERONI, R.R.Resumo IPEN-doc 01254 Characterization of the isohormones and other proteins in eluates from the chromatographic purification of human growth hormone (HGH)1979 - SCHWARZ, I.; BARTOLINI, P.; ASSIS, L.M.; FONSECA, M.L.C.Q.; PIERONI, R.R.Resumo IPEN-doc 01086 Radioligand assay of human growth hormone (HGH) using solubilized rabbit liver membrane receptors1979 - CARVALHO, E.I.; BARTOLINI, P.; ASSIS, L.M.; MURAMOTO, E.; PIERONI, R.R.Resumo IPEN-doc 01069 A study of some possible factors leading to different isohormone compositions in human growth hormone preparations1979 - SCHWARZ, I.; BARTOLINI, P.; ASSIS, L.M.; FONSECA, M.L.C.Q.; PIERONI, R.R.Resumo IPEN-doc 00665 Binding of sup(125)I-human growth hormone solubilized membrane receptors from monkey liver1979 - BARTOLINI, P.; CARVALHO, E.I.; ASSIS, L.M.; SCHWARZ, I.; PIERONI, R.R.Resumo IPEN-doc 00634 A sensitive assay of human growth hormone (hGH), using on optimized concentration of rabbit liver solubilized membrane receptor and two different radioiodinated preparations1979 - CARVALHO, E.I.; BARTOLINI, P.; ASSIS, L.M.; FONSECA, M.L.C.Q.; PIERONI, R.R.Resumo IPEN-doc 00633 Prolonging the stability of radioiodinated human growth hormone through low specific activity labelling1979 - BARTOLINI, P.; FONSECA, M.L.C.Q.; ASSIS, L.M.; SCHWARZ, I.; CARVALHO, E.I.; PIERONI, R.R.Resumo IPEN-doc 01228 The influence of bovine serum albumim (BSA) on the chromatographic purification of labeled human growth hormone (sup(125)I-HGH)1978 - FONSECA, M.L.C.Q.; BARTOLINI, P.; ASSIS, L.M.; SCHWARZ, I.; PIERONI, R.R.
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