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Resumo IPEN-doc 26006 Heat-induced depth of Nd:YAG laser irradiation in biological hard tissues2019 - PEREIRA, DAISA L.; CASTRO, PEDRO A.A.; GOMES, GABRIELA V.; ZAMATARO, CLAUDIA B.; ZEZELL, DENISE M.; RIBEIRO, HENRIQUE B.; MATOS, CHRISTIANO J.S.; ANA, PATRICIA A.Confocal Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive and non-invasive technique which provides surface Raman spectra and depth images of biological structures contactless with the sample, with no use of ionizing radiation to penetrate in the sample under analysis. These characteristics allow its experimental use without any side e®ects to the sample. The depth images are obtained by Raman microscopy and are related to the characteristics of the tissues. This study aims to characterize irradiated hard tissues and correlate the depth reached by the heat of the laser irradiation with the obtained images. For this, thirty 8 mm2 blocks of bovine enamel and bovine root dentin, were randomized into 6 groups: G1- enamel untreated; G2- enamel irradiated with Nd:YAG micropulsed laser (1064 nm, 10 Hz- Lares Research R°) using a coal paste as photoabsorber; G3- enamel irradiated with Nd:YAG nanopulsed laser (1064 nm, 20 Hz, Brilliant, Quantel Laser) using a coal paste as photoabsorber; G4-G6 (bovine root dentin in the same conditions of treatment of G1-G3). The measurements were performed in three di®erent depth regions of the cubic shaped samples: region A- left corner above of the sample, region B- middle of the sample and Region C- right corner below of the sample. The area under the phosphate, carbonate, amide I, II, and III bands were calculated. The Raman spectra of the Nd:YAG irradiated samples detected a reduction in all the organic components of the enamel after laser irradiation. Previous studies of our group demonstrated that di®erences in carbonate substitution in the apatite lattice are related to the apatite instability and demineralization susceptibility. Considering that carbonate free apatite is less susceptible to acid attack, the results of this study suggest that Nd:YAG lased enamel can be more resistant to caries, in a direct correlation to the thickness of the treated area. It was found that for micropulsed Nd:YAG laser, the heat induced depth was 10 § 2 ¹m and for nanopulsed laser the heat induced depth was 8 § 3 ¹m. So, it is possible to correlate the heat penetration depth of the laser irradiation with the images obtained by the confocal Raman.Resumo IPEN-doc 25609 Molecular characterization of ex-vivo natural bovine dental enamel2018 - ZAMATARO, CLAUDIA B.; PEREIRA, DAISA L.; GOMES, GABRIELA V.; ALVES, NATHALIA Z.; CASTRO, PEDRO A.A.; DIAS, DERLY A.; ZEZELL, DENISE M.; SCAPIN, MARCOS A.Bovine teeth are widely used to infer results on a human population. Considering this, an analysis of the mineral content of bovine enamel, focusing the hidroxiapatite (HA), was carried out to evaluate the homogeneity of the sample universe for future experiments with laser irradiation as a substitute of human teeth enamel. Twelve samples of 5 x 5 mm bovine enamel were prepared and polished plane. The mineral content was calculated through surface microhardness (SMH) and morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Main molecular components of the enamel were analysed by Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS). Surface microhardness is an indirect indicator of the mineral content of the samples, which was 258.2 (38.8) KHN. The compounds present in the samples, the values of Calcium and Phosphate oxides and the ration Ca/P were analizes. As expected Phosphorus pentoxide and Calcium oxide were the main constituent of the samples (57.4 to 59.9%). The CaO/P2O5 ratio shows a variation with linear correlation (R2 = 1). The elemental ratio (Ca/P) shows a change in the elemental content with linear correlation (R2 = 1). 30% of the samples presented Strontium oxide, 30% had Zirconium dioxide, 10% had Magnesium oxide and 40% had Silicon dioxide. All samples showed Sulfur trioxide, Iron trioxide and Chlorine. 10% did not shown Zinc oxide. 5% had Potassium oxide and Nickel oxide in its composition. The surface microhardness results, although only for the initial homogenization of the sample universe, showed a Knoop hardness number within a spectrum similar to that of natural hydroxyapatite of human origin. The EDS results show that bovine enamel hydroxyapatite present great similarity with that from human enamel hydroxyapatite from the point of view of chemical composition. These results corroborate the use of bovine hydroxyapatite in substitution of hydroxyapatite of human origin. Despite the inter-species similarity, it is possible to note that in the same species the composition of hydroxyapatite varies. In the bovine species, the feeding, the period of formation of the dental germs and the origin are more standardized and controlled than in humans. Nevertheless, it is possible to notice a variation of the components elements of bovine dental enamel, and it is necessary to restrict an interval of hardness and Ca/P values to homogenise the samples properties for use in any experiment.