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Artigo IPEN-doc 13400 Heavy reflector experiment in the IPEN/MB-01 reactor2008 - SANTOS, ADIMIR dos; JEREZ, ROGERIO; BITELLI, ULYSSES D.; FANARO, LEDA C.C.B.; ANDRADE e SILVA, GRACIETE S. de; KURAMOTO, RENATO; MENDONCA, ARLINDO G.; FUGA, RINALDO; ABE, ALFREDO Y.; GAUDARD, CLAIRE V.This experiment performed in the IPEN/MB-01 research reactor facility is devoted to the measurements of physical parameters of a light water core surrounded by a stainless steel reflector. Several plates of SS-304 (3 mm thick) were introduced in the west face of the core of the IPEN/MB-01 reactor. The experimental results comprise several measured quantities such as: critical control bank positions, reactivity and relative power density distribution as a function of the number of SS-304 plates. The experimental results show clearly the competition between neutron absorption and neutron reflection in the SS-304 plates. The theoretical analysis was performed in a twofold independent approach. CEA/Cadarache used the Monte Carlo code TRIPOLI4 with JEFF3.1 library to analyse the experimental data while IPEN used the coupled NJOY/AMPX-II/TORT with ENDF/B-VI.8 and MCNP-5 with ENDF/B-VII.0. All calculation methodologies show applicability to describe the physics involved in the heavy reflector system. The quality of the recently released new nuclear data libraries (JEFF3.1 and ENDF/B-VII.0) was addressed and it was shown that these new data have a better quality than older libraries such as ENDF/B-VI.8.Artigo IPEN-doc 03246 Projeto nuclear da unidade critica IPEN-MB-011989 - MAIORINO, J.R.; PERROTTA, J.A.; YAMAGUCHI, M.; MOREIRA, J.M.L.; NAKATA, H.; YORIYAZ, H.; KOSAKA, N.; COELHO, P.R.P.; MENDONCA, A.G.; FANARO, L.C.C.B.Artigo IPEN-doc 06813 Criticality analyses based on the coupled NJOY/AMPX-II/TORT systems2000 - SANTOS, A.; FANARO, L.C.C.B.; ANDRADE e SILVA, G.S.; ABE, A.Y.; MENDONCA, A.G.