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Artigo IPEN-doc 29836 Analyzing the influence of vehicular traffic on the concentration of pollutants in the city of São Paulo2023 - MOREIRA, GREGORI de A.; CACHEFFO, ALEXANDRE; ANDRADE, IZABEL da S.; LOPES, FABIO JULIANO da S.; GOMES, ANTONIO A.; LANDULFO, EDUARDOThis study employs surface and remote sensing data jointly with deep learning techniques to examine the influence of vehicular traffic in the seasonal patterns of CO, NO2 , PM2.5, and PM10 concentrations in the São Paulo municipality, as the period of physical distancing (March 2020 to December 2021), due to SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the resumption of activities, made it possible to observe significant variations in the flow of vehicles in the city of São Paulo. Firstly, an analysis of the planetary boundary layer height and ventilation coefficient was performed to identify the seasons’ patterns of pollution dispersion. Then, the variations (from 2018 to 2021) of the seasonal average values of air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, and thermal inversion occurrence/position were compared to identify possible variations in the patterns of such variables that would justify (or deny) the occurrence of more favorable conditions for pollutants dispersion. However, no significant variations were found. Finally, the seasonal average concentrations of the previously mentioned pollutants were compared from 2018 to 2021, and the daily concentrations observed during the pandemic period were compared with a model based on an artificial neural network. Regarding the concentration of pollutants, the primarily sourced from vehicular traffic (CO and NO2 ) exhibited substantial variations, demonstrating an inverse relationship with the rate of social distancing. In addition, the measured concentrations deviated from the predictive model during periods of significant social isolation. Conversely, pollutants that were not primarily linked to vehicular sources (PM2.5 and PM10) exhibited minimal variation from 2018 to 2021; thus, their measured concentration remained consistent with the prediction model.Artigo IPEN-doc 28812 Assessing spatial variation of PBL height and aerosol layer aloft in São Paulo Megacity using simultaneously two lidar during winter 20192022 - MOREIRA, GREGORI de A.; OLIVEIRA, AMAURI P. de; CODATO, GEORGIA; SANCHEZ, MACIEL P.; TITO, JANET V.; SILVA, LEONARDO A.H. e; SILVEIRA, LUCAS C. da; SILVA, JONATAN J. da; LOPES, FABIO J. da S.; LANDULFO, EDUARDOThis work presents the use of two elastic lidar systems to assess the horizontal variation of the PBL height (PBLH) and aerosol layer aloft in the São Paulo Megacity. These two lidars performed simultaneous measurements 10.7 km apart in a highly urbanized and relatively flat area of São Paulo for two winter months of 2019. The results showed that the PBLH differences display diurnal variation that depends on the PBL during daytime growth phases. Cloud and sea breeze effects control most of PBLH variation. In the absence of cloud and sea breeze, the maximum difference (~300 m) occurs in the rapid development stage and is due to topographic effects. When the PBL approaches its maximum daily value, it tends to level off with respect to the topography. In addition, it was presented a method that combines elastic lidar (to detect an aerosol layer) and satellite data (to classify such a layer from Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) and Aerosol Index (AI) information) for the detection of biomass burning events. This methodology demonstrated that the variations caused by Biomass Burning in AOD and AI enable both the detection of aerosol plumes originating from biomass burning and the identification of their origin.Artigo IPEN-doc 21762 Latin American Lidar Network (LALINET) for aerosol research: diagnosis on network instrumentation2016 - GUERRERO-RASCADO, J.L.; LANDULFO, EDUARDO; ANTUNA, JUAN C.; BARBOSA, HENRIQUE de M.J.; BARJA, BORIS; BATIDAS, ALVARO E.; BEDOYA, ANDRES E.; COSTA, RENATA F. da; ESTEVAN, RENE; FORNO, RICARDO; GOUVEIA, DIEGO A.; JIMENEZ, CRISTOFER; LARROZA, ELIANE G.; LOPES, FABIO J. da S.; MONTILLA ROSERO, ELENA; MOREIRA, GREGORI de A.; NAKAEMA, WALTER M.; NISPERUZA, DANIEL; ALEGRIA, DAIRO; MUNERA, MAURICIO; OTERO, LIDIA; PAPANDREA, SEBASTIAN; PALLOTA, JUAN V.; PAWELKO, EZEQUIEL; QUEL, EDUARDO J.; RISTORI, PABLO; RODRIGUES, PATRICIA F.; SALVADOR, JACOBO; SANCHEZ, MARIA F.; SILVA, ANTONIETA