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Artigo IPEN-doc 28812 Assessing spatial variation of PBL height and aerosol layer aloft in São Paulo Megacity using simultaneously two lidar during winter 20192022 - MOREIRA, GREGORI de A.; OLIVEIRA, AMAURI P. de; CODATO, GEORGIA; SANCHEZ, MACIEL P.; TITO, JANET V.; SILVA, LEONARDO A.H. e; SILVEIRA, LUCAS C. da; SILVA, JONATAN J. da; LOPES, FABIO J. da S.; LANDULFO, EDUARDOThis work presents the use of two elastic lidar systems to assess the horizontal variation of the PBL height (PBLH) and aerosol layer aloft in the São Paulo Megacity. These two lidars performed simultaneous measurements 10.7 km apart in a highly urbanized and relatively flat area of São Paulo for two winter months of 2019. The results showed that the PBLH differences display diurnal variation that depends on the PBL during daytime growth phases. Cloud and sea breeze effects control most of PBLH variation. In the absence of cloud and sea breeze, the maximum difference (~300 m) occurs in the rapid development stage and is due to topographic effects. When the PBL approaches its maximum daily value, it tends to level off with respect to the topography. In addition, it was presented a method that combines elastic lidar (to detect an aerosol layer) and satellite data (to classify such a layer from Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) and Aerosol Index (AI) information) for the detection of biomass burning events. This methodology demonstrated that the variations caused by Biomass Burning in AOD and AI enable both the detection of aerosol plumes originating from biomass burning and the identification of their origin.Capítulo IPEN-doc 28534 Lidar observations in South America2021 - LANDULFO, EDUARDO; CACHEFFO, ALEXANDRE; YOSHIDA, ALEXANDRE C.; GOMES, ANTONIO A.; LOPES, FABIO J. da S.; MOREIRA, GREGORI de A.; SILVA, JONATAN J. da; ANDRIOLI, VANIA; PIMENTA, ALEXANDRE; WANG, CHI; XU, JIYAO; MARTINS, MARIA P.P.; BATISTA, PAULO; BARBOSA, HENRIQUE de M.J.; GOUVEIA, DIEGO A.; GONZALEZ, BORIS B.; ZAMORANO, FELIX; QUEL, EDUARDO; PEREIRA, CLODOMYRA; WOLFRAM, ELIAN; CASASOLA, FACUNDO I.; ORTE, FACUNDO; SALVADOR, JACOBO O.; PALLOTTA, JUAN V.; OTERO, LIDIA A.; PRIETO, MARIA; RISTORI, PABLO R.; BRUSCA, SILVINA; ESTUPINAN, JOHN H.R.; BARRERA, ESTIVEN S.; ANTUNA-MARRERO, JUAN C.; FORNO, RICARDO; ANDRADE, MARCOS; HOELZEMANN, JUDITH J.; GUEDES, ANDERSON G.; SOUSA, CRISTINA T.; OLIVEIRA, DANIEL C.F. dos S.; DUARTE, EDICLE de S.F.; SILVA, MARCOS P.A. da; SANTOS, RENATA S. da S.South America covers a large area of the globe and plays a fundamental function in its climate change, geographical features, and natural resources. However, it still is a developing area, and natural resource management and energy production are far from a sustainable framework, impacting the air quality of the area and needs much improvement in monitoring. There are significant activities regarding laser remote sensing of the atmosphere at different levels for different purposes. Among these activities, we can mention the mesospheric probing of sodium measurements and stratospheric monitoring of ozone, and the study of wind and gravity waves. Some of these activities are long-lasting and count on the support from the Latin American Lidar Network (LALINET). We intend to pinpoint the most significant scientific achievements and show the potential of carrying out remote sensing activities in the continent and show its correlations with other earth science connections and synergies. In Part I of this chapter, we will present an overview and significant results of lidar observations in the mesosphere and stratosphere. Part II will be dedicated to tropospheric observations.Resumo IPEN-doc 27965 Validation of AEOLUS L2A products using a multiwavelength lidar system at SPU Lidar Station - Brazil2020 - LOPES, FABIO; YOSHIDA, ALEXANDRE; CACHEFFO, ALEXANDRE; SILVA, JONATAN; MOREIRA, GREGORI; LANDULFO, EDUARDOArtigo IPEN-doc 27251 Exploring the twilight zone2020 - SILVA, JONATAN da; MORAIS, FERNANDO G.; FRANCO, MARCO A.; LOPES, FABIO J.S.; ARRUDA, GREGORI de A.; YOSHIDA, ALEXANDRE C.; CORREIA, ALEXANDRE; LANDULFO, EDUARDOThis study shows a set of analysis of measurements from ground-based and satellite instruments to characterize the twilight zone (TLZ) between clouds and aerosols in São Paulo, Brazil. In the vicinity of clouds turbulence measurements showed an intense upward movement of aerosol layers, while sunphotometer results showed an increase in aerosol optical depth, and lidar measurements showed an increase in the backscatter vertical profile signal.