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Artigo IPEN-doc 22613 Phase transformations and properties of Fe-Co alloys1989 - COUTO, A.A.; FERREIRA, P.I.The development of advanced motors and generators for airspace and special power applications requires the use of soft magnetic materials which have high mechanical strength. In the search for these high strength soft magnetic alloys, a great number of investigations have been done in the last decade, and as a consequence, important advances have been obtained. The Fe-Co alloys present excellent magnetic properties and have been indicated as candidate materials for these power applications. In this work a brief review of the work published in the last 30 years in Fe-Co-V alloys is presented, and new routes for research on Fe-Co-X and Fe-Co-V-X alloys (X is an alloy element) are pointed out.Artigo IPEN-doc 02547 nvestigacao da cinetica de precipitacao da fase 'gama' sub(2) na liga FeCo-2V encruada1990 - FERREIRA, P.I.; COUTO, A.A.Resumo IPEN-doc 04043 Microestrutura e propriedades mecanicas de aluminetos de niquel (Ni, Al) solidificados rapidamente1991 - FERREIRA, P.I.; LIMA, M.S.F.Resumo IPEN-doc 04816 Producao e caracterizacao microestrutural e mecanica de aluminetos de niquel solidificados rapidamente1993 - FERREIRA, P.I.; LIMA, M.S.F.Resumo IPEN-doc 04815 Efeito do cromo e de tratamentos termicos na microestrutura e nas propriedades mecanicas de ligas intermetalicas baseadas no Fe-24 porcento at Al1993 - COUTO, A.A.; PAOLA, J.C.C.; FERREIRA, P.I.Resumo IPEN-doc 17771 The effect of mechanical -thermal treatments on the microstructure of niobiumm stabilised stainless steel after creep2006 - ROSSI, JESUALDO L.; FERREIRA, PAULO I.Artigo IPEN-doc 05392 Efeito de tratamentos mecanotermicos na microestrutura de um aco inoxidavel austenitico estabilizado com niobio1994 - ROSSI, J.L.; FERREIRA, P.I.Artigo IPEN-doc 05415 Efeito da fluencia e de tratamentos mecanotermicos na microestrutura de um aco inoxidavel austenitico1994 - ROSSI, J.L.; FERREIRA, P.I.Artigo IPEN-doc 16794 High temperature mechanical properties and microstructure of Fe(3)Al based intermetallic alloys1997 - COUTO, ANTONIO A.; FERREIRA, PAULO I.Artigo IPEN-doc 04504 Efeito da presenca das fases ordenadas Bsub(2) e DOsub(3) nas propriedades mecanicas de ligas baseadas no Fe-24 porcento at. Al1992 - COUTO, A.A.; PAOLA, J.C.C.; FERREIRA, P.I.