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Artigo IPEN-doc 09358 Dosimetry with radiochromic materials in accelerated electrons fields2002 - RZYSKI, B.M.; SILVA, R.E.; GALANTE, A.M.S.Radiation dosimetry, i.e., the measurement of the dose, is fundamental in all irradiation processes, being recommended for laboratories and industrial scale irradiation plants for routine control, so that any irradiation can be in agreement with the established pattems in the process of dose measurement. This work is dedicated to the study of some of the main dosimetric characteristics of radiochromic films as FWT- 60.20 (colored nylon), HD-810 (colored plastic) and Sunna (colorless plastic). The possibility of applying these materiais in routine dosimetry in an electron accelerator, whose energy varies from 0,8MeV to 1,5MeV and the current from 0,3mA to 15mA was verified. The experiments were concluded in a JOB 188 - Dynamitron Inc. accelerator installed at the Radiation Technology Center, IPEN-CNEN/SP. Analyzed topics involve the best wavelength for optical reading, calibration curves, and influence of the environmental conditions as well the evaluation of film response to different electrons energies. The results were considered positive since the films can be applied for absorbed doses deterrnination in routine irradiations processes in this type of electron accelerator.