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Artigo IPEN-doc 29718 Thermo-optical performance of bare laser-synthesized TiN nanofluids for direct absorption solar collector applications2023 - FAROOQ, SAJID; VITAL, CAIO V.P.; TIKHONOWSKI, GLEB; POPOV, ANTON A.; KLIMENTOV, SERGEY M.; MALAGON, LUIS A.G.; ARAUJO, RENATO E. de; KABASHIN, ANDREI V.; RATIVA, DIEGOTitanium nitride (TiN) nanoparticles (NPs) look very promising for solar energy harvesting owing to a strong plasmonic absorption with the maximum in the near-infrared range. However, the synthesis of TiN nanofluids is very challenging as one has to combine the plasmonic feature and long-term colloidal stability to withstand harsh conditions of direct absorption solar collectors (DASC). Here, we explore solutions of bare (ligand free) TiN NPs synthesized by pulsed laser ablation in acetone as the nanofluid. We show that such NPs are low size-dispersed (mean size 25 nm) and exhibit a broad absorption peak around 700 nm, while their negative charge ensures a prolonged electrostatic stabilization of solutions. Solar weighted absorption coefficient of such TiN nanofluids reaches 95.7% at very low volume fractions (1.0 × 10−5), while nanofluid temperature can be increased up to 29 °C under 1.25-sun illumination. Our data evidence that the thermal efficiency of a DASC using TiN nanofluid is 80% higher compared to Au-based counterparts. The recorded high photothermal efficiency and excellent colloidal stability of TiN nanofluids promises a major advancement of DASC technology, while laser-ablative synthesis can offer easy scalability and relative cost-efficiency required for the implementation of systems for solar energy harvesting.Artigo IPEN-doc 29000 High performance blended nanofluid based on gold nanorods chain for harvesting solar radiation2023 - FAROOQ, SAJID; RATIVA, DIEGO; SAID, ZAFAR; ARAUJO, RENATO E. deColloids composed of metallic nanoparticles are promising working fluids for solar radiation harvesting using Direct Absorption Solar Collectors (DASC), due to a high thermal conductivity characteristic and a broad optical absorption that can be tuned to match the solar spectrum. Recently, different studies report gold nanorod (Au-NR) chains for biosensing and photothermal applications, which have broadband and high absorption cross-section and potential possibilities to orientate the nanoparticle using electromagnetic fields. Moreover, colloids with nanoparticles blended configuration show an efficient solar radiation absorption characteristics. Here, working fluids for DASC based on gold nanorod chains in an unblended and blended configuration are evaluated using numerical simulations. The results indicate that the solar absorption increases proportional to the size of the Au-NR assembly, and the best configuration is obtained for a tetramer structure. By using different blended arrangements such as single Au monomers, dimers, trimmers, and tetramers nanorods, it is possible to obtain solar weighted absorption coefficients close to an ideal solar thermal collector, even obtained at low volume fraction (1×10(−5)). Moreover, the results show an enhancement of the temperature of 58.45 °C for tetramer compared with a monomer structure, both under one sun excitation. Therefore, the Au-NR assembly shows a high potentiality to be explored as a high-performance working fluid for solar thermal collectors.Artigo IPEN-doc 28859 Optimizing and quantifying gold nanospheres based on LSPR label-free biosensor for dengue diagnosis2022 - FAROOQ, SAJID; WALI, FAIZ; ZEZELL, DENISE M.; ARAUJO, RENATO E. de; RATIVA, DIEGOThe localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) due to light–particle interaction and its dependence on the surrounding medium have been widely manipulated for sensing applications. The sensing efficiency is governed by the refractive index-based sensitivity (ηRIS) and the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the LSPR spectra. Thereby, a sensor with high precision must possess both requisites: an effective ηRIS and a narrow FWHM of plasmon spectrum. Moreover, complex nanostructures are used for molecular sensing applications due to their good ηRIS values but without considering the wide-band nature of the LSPR spectrum, which decreases the detection limit of the plasmonic sensor. In this article, a novel, facile and label-free solution-based LSPR immunosensor was elaborated based upon LSPR features such as extinction spectrum and localized field enhancement. We used a 3D full-wave field analysis to evaluate the optical properties and to optimize the appropriate size of spherical-shaped gold nanoparticles (Au NPs). We found a change in Au NPs’ radius from 5 nm to 50 nm, and an increase in spectral resonance peak depicted as a red-shift from 520 nm to 552 nm. Using this fact, important parameters that can be attributed to the LSPR sensor performance, namely the molecular sensitivity, FWHM, ηRIS, and figure of merit (FoM), were evaluated. Moreover, computational simulations were used to assess the optimized size (radius = 30 nm) of Au NPs with high FoM (2.3) and sharp FWHM (44 nm). On the evaluation of the platform as a label-free molecular sensor, Campbell’s model was performed, indicating an effective peak shift in the adsorption of the dielectric layer around the Au NP surface. For practical realization, we present an LSPR sensor platform for the identification of dengue NS1 antigens. The results present the system’s ability to identify dengue NS1 antigen concentrations with the limit of quantification measured to be 0.07 μg/mL (1.50 nM), evidence that the optimization approach used for the solution-based LSPR sensor provides a new paradigm for engineering immunosensor platforms.