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Artigo IPEN-doc 05873 Stress analyses of the internals of a research PWR vessel. A general overview1995 - MIRANDA, C.A.J.; MATTAR NETO, M.; OLIVEIRA, C.A.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; ASSIS, G.M.V.; ALBUQUERQUE, L.B.Artigo IPEN-doc 05874 Stress analysis of a research PWR pressure vessel. A general description1995 - MIRANDA, C.A.J.; MATTAR NETO, M.; OLIVEIRA, C.A.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; BEZERRA, L.M.; ALBUQUERQUE, L.B.; ASSIS, G.M.V.Artigo IPEN-doc 05871 PWR pressure vessel stress analysis with axisymmetric model and hormonic loading1995 - ALBUQUERQUE, L.B.; ASSIS, G.M.V.; MIRANDA, C.A.J.; CRUZ, J.R.B.Artigo IPEN-doc 05869 A discussion about P-T limit curves and PTS evaluation1995 - CRUZ, J.R.B.; MATTAR NETO, M.; PAES de ANDRADE, A.H.Artigo IPEN-doc 05867 Evaluation of the overall collapse of a ring-stiffened cylindrical shell1995 - MATTAR NETO, M.; MIRANDA, C.A.J.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; SILVEIRA, R.C.Artigo IPEN-doc 05864 Stress assessment of a component using 3D finite element models1995 - MATTAR NETO, M.; MIRANDA, C.A.J.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; BEZERRA, L.M.Artigo IPEN-doc 05862 ASME limits and contradictions in the finite element analyses of pressure vessels1995 - BEZERRA, L.M.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; MIRANDA, C.A.J.; MATTAR NETO, M.Artigo IPEN-doc 05860 Interpreting ASME limits and philosophy in FEA of pressure vessel parts1995 - BEZERRA, L.M.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; MIRANDA, C.A.J.; MATTAR NETO, M.Artigo IPEN-doc 05859 On the stress assessment and verification of 3D finite element models1995 - MATTAR NETO, M.; MIRANDA, C.A.J.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; BEZERRA, L.M.Artigo IPEN-doc 05856 Uma visao geral das principais metodologias para avaliacao da integridade de estruturas trincadas1995 - CRUZ, J.R.B.; PAES de ANDRADE, A.H.