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Capítulo IPEN-doc 22010 Status report on thechnical progress for LEU-based sup(99)Mo production at IPEN-CNEN/SP, Brazil - Modified Cintichem process2015 - OSSO JUNIOR, J.A.; DIAS, C.R.B.R.; TEODORO, R.; CATANOSO, M.F.; BRAMBILLA, T.P.; POZZO, L.; SQUAIR, P.; FUKUMORI, N.; CARVALHO, F.M.S.; ZINI, J.; CAMILO, R.L.; FORBICINI, C.; YAMAMURA, M.; ARAUJO, I.C.; FREITAS, A.A.; CARVALHO, E.U.; DURAZZO, M.; SILVA, A.M.; PIRES, M.A.; MARUMO, J.T.; DELLAMANO, J.C.; MENGATTI, J.; PERROTTA, J.A.Resumo IPEN-doc 16195 Estudos de dissolucao alcalina de alvos de UAlsub(2)-Al visando a producao de Mo-992010 - CAMILO, R.L.; ARAUJO, I.C. de; YAMAURA, M.; FORBICINI, C.A.L.G. de O.; MINDRISZ, A.C.Artigo IPEN-doc 16136 Studies on the separation of 99Mo from nitric acid medium by alumina2010 - YAMAURA, M.; FREITAS, A.A.; YAMAMURA, A.P.G.; TANAKA, R.M.N.; FORBICINI, C.A.L.G. de O.; CAMILO, R.L.; ARAUJO, I.C.99mTc, the product of radioactive decay of 99Mo, is one of the most used radioisotopes in nuclear medicine. The 99Mo is produced mainly by fission of 235U targets HEU or LEU. After the dissolution of uranium targets, chemical process for the separation and purification is performed in chromatographic columns. This work presents a study on the behavior of 99Mo removal by adsorption on acid and neutral alumina from nitric acid, which is the dissolution reagent for LEU targets in the Modified Cintichem Process. Adsorption kinetics in solution of HNO3 and the influence of pH were investigated. It was also evaluated the adsorption of 99Mo from nitric solutions containing uranyl ions.Artigo IPEN-doc 16885 Molybdenum adsorption by alumina and dowex 1x8 resin for the separation and purification process of fission sup(99)Mo2011 - YAMAURA, M.; DAMASCENO, M.O.; FREITAS, A.A.; CAMILO, R.L.; ARAUJO, I.C.; FORBICINI, C.A.L.G. de O.Artigo IPEN-doc 04186 Descontaminacao e intervencao nas celulas quentes CELESTE I no IPEN-CNEN/SP1992 - ARAUJO, J.A.; ARAUJO, B.F.; MATSUDA, H.T.; LOBAO, A.S.T.; COHEN, V.H.; CARVALHO, E.I.; CAMILO, R.L.; YAMAURA, M.; KUADA, T.A.; ARAUJO, I.C.; FORBICINI, S.Artigo IPEN-doc 01549 Implantacao de um processo para producao de sup(99)Mo no IPEN-CNEN/SP1990 - ARAUJO, B.F.; ARAUJO, J.A.; ARAUJO, I.C.; LOBAO, A.S.T.; OLIVEIRA, C.A.L.G.; FORBICINI, S.; MATSUDA, H.T.; COHEN, V.H.; CARVALHO, E.I.; YAMAURA, M.; CAMILO, R.L.; KUADA, T.A.; GONCALVES, M.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 17133 Separation of fission sup(99)Mo by alpha-benzoin oxime precipitation in nitric medium2011 - YAMAURA, MITIKO; FREITAS, ANTONIO A.; EGUTE, NAYARA dos S.; CAMILO, RUTH L.; ARAUJO, IZILDA C.; FORBICINI, CHRISTINA A.L.G. de O.Artigo IPEN-doc 03589 Estudo da producao de 99Mo a partir de uranio com baixo teor de enriquecimento1996 - FORBICINI, C.A.L.G.O.; ARAUJO, I.C.; GONCALVES, M.A.; FELINTO, M.C.F.C.; YAMAURA, M.; CAMILO, R.L.; FORBICINI, S.; KUADA, T.A.; COHEN, V.H.; LOBAO, A.S.T.