Possui graduação em Tecnologia em saúde pela Faculdade de Tecnologia de Sorocaba (2005). Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear pela Universidade de São Paulo (2009). Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear pela Universidade de São Paulo (2015). Tem experiência na área de Tecnologia Nuclear, com ênfase em produção de fontes para radioterapia. Atualmente trabalha em pesquisa e desenvolvimento no Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP). (Texto extraído do Currículo Lattes em 8 maio 2023)
Projetos de Pesquisa
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14 resultados
Resultados de Busca
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Resumo IPEN-doc 14793 Sementes de iodo-125: prototipo brasileiro2009 - SOUZA, C.D.; ZEITUNI, C.A.; MOURA, J.A.; MOURA, E.S.; NAGATOMI, H.R.; FEHER, A.; SILVA, C.P.G.; ROSTELATO, M.E.C.M.Resumo IPEN-doc 17791 Thermoluminescent and simulation dosimetry of the SUP(125)I brachytherapy seed2008 - ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; MANZOLI, JOSE E.; MOURA, EDUARDO S.; TERREMOTO, LUIS A.A.; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.; MOURA, JOAO A.; FEHER, ANSELMOResumo IPEN-doc 13846 Development and production of radioactive sources for cancer tratment in Brazil2008 - ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.; RELA, PAULO R.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; FEHER, ANSELMO; MANZOLI, JOSE E.; MOURA, JOAO A.; MOURA, EDUARDO S.; SILVA, CONSTANCIA P.G.Every year, the number of cancer patients increases in Brazil and some of these patients are treated with Brachytherapy using Iridium -192 wire sources and Iodine-125 seeds. Brachytherapy is a kind of lesion treatment based on the sources insertion in the tumor. These sources can be activated iridium wires or iodine seeds. During this process, the ionizing radiation destroys the malignant cells very efficiently. The Energy and Nuclear Research Institute – IPEN, which belongs to the Nuclear Energy National Commission – CNEN, established a program for the development of the technique and production of Iridium -192 wire sources and Iodine-125 seeds in Brazil. The purpose of this program is to develop the technique and to establish a laboratory for the production of Iridium – 192 sources and Iodine-125 seeds. This project target is to enable the country with the production of these sources, making the products accessible to clinics and hospitals, with low costs for the Brazilian people reality. With the purpose of settling a laboratory for Iridium –192 sources production, a wire activation method was developed and a hot cell for the wire manipulation, quality assurance and packaging was built. The wire activation was carried out in our nuclear reactor, IEAR1m. These sources are usually shaped as flexible wires 0.3mm diameter and 50.0cm long. The specific activity, for a low dose rate (LDR) therapy, is between 1mCi/cm and 4mCi/cm. The Iodine-125 seeds consist of a titanium capsule of 0.8 mm external diameter, 0.05mm wall thickness and 4.5mm long. The inner capsule houses a silver thread, 3.0mm long and 0.5mm diameter, containing the adsorbed 125-Iodine. The typical seed apparent activity is of 0.4mCi (14.8MBq), with a recommended variation of about 5% at most, in a same lot of seeds. During the project execution, the following methods were developed: the seed core (silver) cutting, the titanium tube cutting, the iodine immobilization through its deposition in silver substrate and the sealing of the seeds through welding process, so that the classification of the seeds, as sealed sources, and the leakage tests could be done according to the international norms.Artigo IPEN-doc 15120 Idione-125 seeds for cancer treatment2009 - ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; FEHER, ANSELMO; MOURA, JOAO A.; MOURA, EDUARDO S.; KARAM, DIB; NAGATOMI, HELIO R.; MANZOLI, JOSE E.; SOUZA, CARLA D.Artigo IPEN-doc 15115 Leakage test evaluation used for qualification of iodine-125 seeds sealing2009 - FEHER, ANSELMO; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; CALVO, WILSON A.P.; SOMESSARI, SAMIR L.; MOURA, JOAO A.; SOUZA, CARLA D.; RELA, PAULO R.Artigo IPEN-doc 14766 Estudo de protecao radiologica em instalacao de producao de fontes de iodo-125 usadas em braquiterapia2009 - SOUZA, C.D.; ZEITUNI, C.A.; MOURA, J.A.; MOURA, E.S.; NAGATOMI, H.R.; FEHER, A.; HILARIO, K.F.; ROSTELATO, M.E.C.M.Artigo IPEN-doc 14755 Procedimento para determinacao da descontaminacao de tubulacoes, na producao de sementes de iodo-1252009 - MOURA, J.A.; MOURA, E.S.; SPRENGER, F.E.; NAGATOMI, H.R.; ZEITUNI, C.A.; FEHER, A.; MANZOLI, J.E.; SOUZA, C.D.; ROSTELATO, M.E.C.M.Artigo IPEN-doc 17792 Quality assurance procedure development in iodine-125 seeds production2008 - MOURA, J.A.; MOURA, E.S.; SPRENGER, F.E.; NAGATOMI, H.R.; ZEITUNI, C.A.; FEHER, A.; MANZOLI, J.E.; ROSTELATO, M.E.C.M.Artigo IPEN-doc 15014 Statiscal differences and systematic effect on measurement procedure in thermoluminescent dosimetry of the iodine-125 brachytherapy seed2009 - ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; MOURA, EDUARDO S.; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.; MANZOLI, JOSE E.; MOURA, JOAO A.; FEHER, ANSELMO; KARAM, DIBIn order to provide the dosimetry for Iodine-125 seed production in Brazil, Harshaw thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD-100) will be used. Even if measurements with TLD-100 of the same batch of fabrication are performed, the response will not be the same. As a consequence, they must be measured one by one. These dosimeters are LiF type with a micro-cube (1mm x 1mm x 1mm) shape. Irradiations were performed using Iodine-125 seeds to guarantee the same absorbed dose of 5 Gy in each dosimeter. It has been used a Solid Water Phantom with three concentrically circle with 20mm, 50mm and 70mm diameters. The angle of positions used was 0º, 30º, 60º and 90º. Of course there are 2 positions in 0º and 90º and 4 positions in 30º and 60º. These complete procedures were carried out five times in order to compare the data and minimize the systematic error. The iodine-125 seed used in the experiment was take off in each measure and put again turning his position 180º to guarantee the systematic error was minimized. This paper presents also a little discussion about the statistical difference in the measurement and the calculation procedure to determine the systematic error in these measurements.Artigo IPEN-doc 15006 About TLD-100 glow curve manipulation to achieve dosimetric parameters of I-125 seeds used for brachytherapy2009 - MOURA, EDUARDO S.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; MANZOLI, JOSE E.; MOURA, JOAO A.; FEHER, ANSELMO; SOUZA, CARLA D.; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.