Graduated in Chemical Engineering at Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz (1983), Master in Nuclear Technology - Applications at IPEN / USP (1999), Ph.D. in Nuclear Technology - Applications at IPEN / USP (2006) and Post-Doctorate at Center for Advanced Materials ( T-CAM) from Tuskegee University, AL, USA. The main lines of research are: Synthesis of metallic nanoparticles; Obtaining and characterization of nanoparticles from mineral activity and agroindustry residues; Micro and nanofiller functionalization; Synthesis and reduction of graphene oxide; Development and modification of composite materials based on conventional and biodegradable polymers with vegetable fibers, micro and nanofillers of renewable origin; Development of biodegradable, active and intelligent plastic packaging for food, cosmetics, medical and pharmaceutical products; Development of conductive polymeric materials; Development of biomaterials for application in the regeneration of bone and dental tissue. (Text obtained from the Currículo Lattes on October 8th 2021)
Possui graduação em Engenharia Química pela Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz (1983), mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear ? Aplicações pelo IPEN/USP (1999), doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear ? Aplicações pelo IPEN/USP (2006) e Pós-Doutorado no Center for Advanced Materials (T-CAM) da Tuskegee University, AL, USA. As principais linhas de pesquisa são: Síntese de nanopartículas metálicas; Obtenção e caracterização de nanopartículas a partir de resíduos da atividade mineral e da agroindústria; Funcionalização de micro e nanocargas; Síntese e redução de óxido de grafeno; Desenvolvimento e modificaçao de materiais compósitos baseados em polímeros convencionais e biodegradáveis com fibras vegetais, micro e nanocargas de origem renovável; Desenvolvimento de embalagens plásticas biodegradáveis, ativas e inteligentes para alimentos, cosméticos, produtos médicos e farmacêuticos;Desenvolvimento de materiais poliméricos condutores; Desenvolvimento de biomateriais para aplicação na regeneração de tecidos ósseos e dentários. (Texto extraído do Currículo Lattes em 08 out. 2021)
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Resultados de Busca
Resumo IPEN-doc 27668 Synergistic effect of polylactic acid(PLA)/poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) blend and cellulose nanowhiskers for sustainable packaging applications2020 - MOURA, E.A.; SANTOS, B.S.; OLIVEIRA, R.R.; RODRIGUES, R.C.Conventional food packaging is in general, not recyclable, based on practically undegradable petroleum-derived polymers, and consequently not selectively collected. Concerns over their environmental impact and sustainability issues posed by their production and disposal and trends have increased interest and driven the effort to generate biobased and biodegradable packaging to replace or complement the conventional ones. The aims of this work are to investigate the development of biocomposite films composed of biodegradable polylactic acid(PLA)/poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) blend and cellulose nanowhiskers extracted from agro-waste and evaluate their potential use in sustainable food packaging application. Biocomposite films based on biodegradable PLA/PBAT blend containing 1-2 wt. % of cellulose nanowhiskers extracted from agro-waste were prepared by melt extrusion, using a twin-screw extruder machine and blown extrusion process. To evaluate the potential use in food packaging applications, the cellulose nanowhiskers' content on the morphological, mechanical and thermal properties of the as obtained biocomposite films has been assessed. In addition, cellulose nanowhiskers were characterized by TEM, DLS, XRD, and TG. The results showed that cellulose nanowhiskers addition leads to an important increase in thermal degradation temperature, melting enthalpy and tensile properties of biocomposite films. The increases in the melting enthalpy can be attributed to the increase in the crystallinity of PBAT/PLA biocomposite as a result of cellulose nanowhiskers' addition. Morphology and thermal tests were related to the properties of the films and confirmed that cellulose nanowhiskers were homogeneously dispersed into the matrix. Based on the results, this research demonstrated that the use of biodegradable polymer blend and cellulose nanowhiskers extracted from agro-waste represents an interesting alternative for the production of flexible biocomposite films for sustainable food packaging applications and for the development of eco-friendly technologies.Resumo IPEN-doc 27667 UV Barrier influence according to the amount of TiO2 in PBAT biodegradable flexible film2020 - BARTOLOMEI, M.R.; ISHIKAWA, O.; BARTOLOMEI, S.S.; MOURA, E.M.Manufacturing and consumption of polymeric products and packaging continues to grow despite concerns about environmental contamination due to improper post-consumer disposal, causing polymeric waste to emerge in increasingly remote places, polluting seas and soil, affecting flora, fauna and human health. Among these wastes are flexible food packaging. One of the alternatives to reduce this problem is the use of biodegradable materials, such as poly (butylene adipate-terephthalate) (PBAT), but the properties of this material do not meet all the needs of a food packaging, focus of this work. Additives and / or fillers must be added to improve the properties of this polymer, such as mechanical, thermal and barrier properties. One of the important features of a food packaging is the UV light barrier, as many products have shortened shelf life due to interaction with light. This work studies the effect of the addition of titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles to improve UV light barrier in biodegradable flexible PBAT films, with clay addition to improve mechanical properties. The films were obtained by melt processing so that the application is industrially and economically viable. For this, known amounts of TiO2 (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 wt%) were added in a poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) solution, along with 0.5 wt% organophilized light green clay. This mixture was sonicated, poured onto PBAT pellets and oven dried. Then, the particle coated pellets were processed in a twin screw extruder, cooled and pelleted. Then the flexible film was produced in a flat die single screw extruder, thus producing 4 nanocomposites (PBAT + 0.5wt% Clay; PBAT + 0.5wt% Clay + 0.1wt% TiO2; PBAT + 0.5wt% Clay + 0.2wt% TiO2; PBAT + 0.5wt% Clay + 0.3wt% TiO2). The results of X Rays Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and tensile test showed that the clay was exfoliated in the polymer matrix, allowing improvements in the mechanical strength and elongation of the films. UV-vis absorption assays showed that the higher the TiO2 concentration the higher the UV barrier.Resumo IPEN-doc 27666 Effect on flame propagation in recycled expanded polystyrene with flame retardant/white clay/titanium dioxide nanocomposite2020 - BARTOLOMEI, S.S.; BARTOLOMEI, M.R.; MOURA, E.M.; WIEBECK, H.; OLIVEIRA, R.R.Polystyrene is widely used in construction due to its properties such as low density, heat resistance, durability and ease of processing and molding. However, it is highly flammable, releases a lot of heat and toxic smoke when exposed to a flame. However, in order for a material to be applied in habitable indoor environments, it must comply with fire safety standards, which predict the behavior of materials during their burning. Halogenated flame retardants have been used to reduce the spread of flame, but they are toxic and polluting, so more environmentally friendly products are being developed. Polymeric nanocomposites, formed by inorganic nanoparticles, have many advantages in flame retardation, such as low heat release rate, low smoke and toxic gas production. Alternatively, the organofilized, exfoliated or polymer-intercalated montmorillonite clay (MMT) can be used to form a nanocomposite with greater flame resistance. However, for the clay to achieve the results required by the standards, it is necessary to add a large amount of particles, which generates agglomerates in the material and losses in the mechanical properties. Therefore, the use of clays to improve flame resistance to the material must be accompanied by the use of other flame retardants. Thus clay will provide reduction in flammability and secondary flame retardant will provide ignition resistance. The addition of other particles, together with clay, can corroborate with the reduction in flame spread of the material, with titanium dioxide being used to increase thermal stability, UV light stability, mechanical properties as well as reduction in flame spread. In this work expanded polystyrene (EPS) from construction waste, with flame retardant in its composition, was recycled and plasticized with glycerol. In this polymeric matrix was added white clay and titanium dioxide in order to maintain the flameproof properties and improve the mechanical and thermal properties of the material. The results showed that it is possible to recycle EPS and maintain flame self-extinguishing through the material even in the presence of glycerol as plasticizer. The addition of white clay improved the mechanical properties of the material and increased thermal stability, but impaired the fire behavior of the material, ceasing to self-extinguish the flame immediately after extinguishing the external flame. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) kept the mechanical and thermal properties unchanged and reduced flame propagation in the specimen when compared to the results of clay nanocomposite.Resumo IPEN-doc 27657 Graphene oxide nanosheets as fillers for thermoplastic-matrix nanocomposites2020 - MOURA, E.A.; SANTOS, B.S.; ISHIKAWA, O.; SANTANA, J.G.; BARTOLOMEI, M.R.; OLIVEIRA, R.R.Recent studies have shown that the synthesis of graphene oxide (GO) by chemical oxidation of graphite followed by its reduction is one's the most promising routes to prepare remarkable polymer/graphene nanocomposite materials with significant improvement of properties compared to the base polymer. The addition of a very small amount of reduced graphene oxide (RGO)in a polymer can enhance its properties, with respect to electrical conductivity, barrier resistance, stiffness, abrasion resistance, mechanical resistance, and fire retardancy. Numerous approaches have been established to prepare RGO from the desoxygenation of GO. This work presents the synthesis of graphene oxide by chemical oxidation of graphite followed by its photoreduction in aqueous dispersion using UV radiation and highlights some examples of RGO/thermoplastic-matrix nanocomposites prepared by melt processing. To evaluate the potential application of thermoplastic composites prepared, the RGO's content on the morphological, mechanical and thermal properties of the as-obtained nanocomposites has been assessed. In addition, GO/RGO nanosheets were characterized by ATR–FTIR, XRD, Raman, and FE-SEM. According to the results, it can be inferred that the addition of RGO leads to a remarkable improvement in the performance of thermoplastic-matrix nanocomposites and offers a competitive solution for various potential applications.Resumo IPEN-doc 27641 Sonochemical synthesis of reduced graphene oxide2020 - MOURA, E.A.; ISHIKAWA, O.; MANGIERI, F.; BARTOLOMEI, M.R.; BARTOLOMEI, S.S.; OLIVEIRA, R.R.; FRANCISCO, D.L.; GUIMARÃES, K.The reduction of graphene oxide (GO) by a safe and eco-friendly route, without the use of harmful chemicals, has drawn much attention as one of the most promising routes to produce graphene nanosheets, a 2D material with excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, optical and mechanical properties. Graphite exfoliation is widely performed by the chemical reduction of GO, which is commonly produced by oxidation of graphite using a strong oxidizing agent by Hummers’ method. This work presents a study of the influence of sonochemical application on synthesis of reduced graphene oxide induced by UV radiation. Commercial graphite powder was used as raw material. Firstly, graphite powder was dispersed into a DMF/deionized water solution and ultrasonicated using a high intensity ultrasonic device for 1 8 hours in other to reduce the particle sizes. After, sonicated graphite samples were frozen for 24 hours and freeze-dried for 24 hours to obtain the powder. Graphite powder obtained with different particle sizes was used to prepared GO through a chemical route. GO prepared was dispersed into a DMF/deionized water solution, ultrasonicated using a high intensity ultrasonic device for 1-2 hours, frozen for 24 hours and freeze-dried for 24 hours. Finally, GO powder samples were dispersed in a mixture of isopropyl alcohol, acetone, and deionized water and irradiated using UV radiation by different irradiation time to obtain reduced GO (RGO). The GO and RGO were characterized by BET, ATR–FTIR, XRD, Raman, TG, and FE-SEM analysis. In addition, graphite samples were characterized by BET, SEM and XRD analysis. The results showed that sonochemical application has a fundamental role in the synthesis of GO nanosheets and RGO. Ultrasonically prepared GO exhibited higher surface area, higher crystallinity and higher oxidation efficiency with many hydrophilic groups. FE-SEM analysis of the GO showed that sonochemical application reduced the aggregated domains and close stacking of sheets on the GO surface and led to obtaining reduced GO with a smooth surface, fewer layers and significant effective surface area.Resumo IPEN-doc 26963 Sugar produced from corncob pretreated with the combination of electron beam irradiation and enzymes2017 - PASCOAL, ERIC; KLEINGESINDS, EDUARDO; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA; LUGAO, ADEMAR; RODRIGUES, RITACorncob is a lignocellulosic material composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Cellulose and hemicellulose are polysaccharides constituted of simple sugars (hexoses and pentoses). However, these sugars are difficult to access, due to the presence of lignin, which is a polyphenolic molecule that provides a high recalcitrance to plant tissue. An appropriate biomass pretreatment disrupts the hydrogen bonds in crystalline cellulose, breaks down cross-linked matrix of hemicelluloses and lignin, and raises the porosity and surface area of cellulose for subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. There are several pretreatment methods including, physical pretreatment (electron beam irradiation, grinding and milling, microwave, and extrusion), chemical pretreatment (alkali, acid, organosolv, ozonolysis, and ionic liquid), physico-chemical pretreatment (steam explosion, liquid hot water, ammonia fiber explosion, wet oxidation, and CO2 explosion), and biological pretreatment. This study evaluated electron beam irradiation (EB) in combination with enzymatic hydrolysis on corncob at different grain size to produce sugars. Dry biomass samples after characterization were exposed to EB radiation doses of 0, 30, 50, 70, 100, and 200 kGy. The pretreated biomass samples were enzymatically hydrolyzed using the Cellic CTec2 from Novozymes. The structural changes and degree of crystallinity of the pretreated biomass were studied by FTIR, DRX, DSC, TG and SEM analyses. Corncob in natura showed 6.3 % extractives, 40.3 % cellulose, 31.8 % hemicellulose, 17.3 % lignin, and 0.7 % ash. The EB in combination with enzymatic hydrolysis of corncob is an environmentally sound biomass pretreatment.Resumo IPEN-doc 26962 Residues from agroindustry as reinforcement in foams based on PBAT/PLA blend2017 - FREITAS, TARIK; COIADO, RENATA; LAZO, GISELE; OLIVEIRA, RENE; MOURA, ESPERIDIANANowadays, agroindustry residues have attracted great attention in both the academic and industrial worlds. In fact, biodegradable polymers reinforced with residues derived from renewable sources, as avian eggshell waste and ashes from the burning of sugarcane bagasse are economically and ecologically attractive materials to produce a new class of bio-products with eco attributes, which make them environmentally friendly, completely degradable and sustainable. In Brazil, the food industry generates every year huge amounts of avian eggshell waste, an industrial byproduct containing 95 % of calcium carbonate, and its disposal constitutes a serious environmental hazard. Tons of ashes are produced from the burning process of sugarcane bagasse to produce energy in Brazilian sugar and bioethanol industries. These ashes, which are not rich in nutrients for the crop, are usually mixed with organic fertilizers or disposed of in nature without efficient management. However, these ashes containing about 94 % of silica. This study aims to the development of bio-foams from PBAT/PLA blend reinforced with bio-calcium carbonate nanoparticles from eggshells and green-silica nanoparticles. Composites were obtained by melting extrusion process, blending PBAT/PLA with 3 % of bio-calcium carbonate nanoparticles and 3 % of green-silica nanoparticles. The composites were then extruded in a Rheomex 332p single special screw for foaming. Samples were submitted to tensile and compression tests, MFI, DSC, XRD and SEM-FEG analyses.Resumo IPEN-doc 25393 Preparação e caracterização de nanocompositos EVA/ARGILA/TiO2 para a aplicação no segmento de embalagens para alimentos2018 - MOURA, E.A.B.; BARTOLOMEI, S.S.; SANTANA, J.G.; VALENZUELA-DIAZ, F.R.; WIEBECK, H.; GUVEN, O.O copolímero de etileno-acetato de vinila (EVA) é uma poliolefina que apresenta uma variedade de aplicações industriais, tais como cabos e fios, embalagens flexíveis, mangueiras e tubos, encapsulantes fotovoltaicos e calçados. O EVA é muito utilizado na fabricação de embalagens flexíveis para alimentos em razão das suas características de flexibilidade, tenacidade, elasticidade e transparência. O EVA vem sendo bastante utilizado para a obtenção de nanocompósitos, uma vez que o seu caráter polar pode facilitar as interações com as nanocargas adicionadas e conferir melhores propriedades mecânicas, térmicas e de barreiras a embalagem flexível processada a partir do nanocompósito quando comparadas as propriedades da embalagem de EVA puro. Neste trabalho filmes flexíveis de EVA reforçado com argila e dióxido de titânio foram preparados por extrusão, usando uma extrusora de duplarosca, seguida de extrusão plana em extrusora monorosca. Os efeitos da adição de argila e TiO2 nas propriedades dos filmes de EVA foram investigados por meio de ensaios mecânicos de tração, análises de DRX, DSC, TG, FE-SEM, TEM e UV-VIS e a correlação entre as propriedades foi discutida. Os resultados mostraram ganhos de propriedades mecânicas, térmicas e de barreira a UV do filme de EVA devido à adição de argila e dióxido de titânio. Estes resultados mostram que é possível obter ganhos de propriedades interessantes em filmes flexíveis de EVA para a aplicação em embalagens para alimentos pela adição de uma pequena quantidade de argila e de nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio.Resumo IPEN-doc 25101 Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite derived from eggshell for biomedical applications2018 - MOURA, ESPERIDIANA; LODIS, ALINE; REIS, PEDRO; WELLEN, RENATEHydroxyapatite(HAP) a crystal-chemical analog of the bone tissue mineral component has been intensively studied in recent years as a potential bone substitute in orthopedic and dentistry because of its biocompatibility, biodegradability, bioactivity, and osteoconductive properties. Hydroxyapatite in a nanocrystalline state with uniform size and morphology has many applications in different fields of medicine ranging from targeted drug delivery to designed load-bearing implants. This work presents the synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite derived from hen’s eggshell waste for biomedical applications. Firstly, bio-hydroxyapatite was synthesized by the wet precipitation method in which white hen’s eggshell waste was used. The white hen`s eggshells were washed, dried and reduced to powder with particle size ≤ 30 μm. Then, the eggshell powder was subjected to a heating cycle at 800 ° C for 3 hours to obtain calcium oxide. Calcium oxide was converted to bio-hydroxyapatite by the addition of a solution of distilled water and phosphoric acid under magnetic stirring at 100 ° C, until a viscous slurry was formed, which was oven dried at 110 ° C for 24 hours. The dried material was disintegrated and calcined at 900 ° C for 2 hours to obtain the hydroxyapatite phase. The bio-hydroxyapatite was irradiated with a high intensity ultrasonic (20 kHz, and 450W/cm2) in order to obtain nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite. These synthesized nanocrystalline hydroxyapatites have been characterized by XRD, FE-SEM, FTIR, and TG analyzes.Resumo IPEN-doc 24855 Corncob pretreated with the combination of electron beam irradiation and enzymes to enhance fermentable sugars for biofuel production2017 - PASCOAL, ERIC S.; KLEINGESINDS, EDUARDO K.; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B.; LUGAO, ADEMAR B.; RODRIGUES, RITA C.L.B.Lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment technologies have been taken up as a global challenge as it comprises to increase enzyme accessibility to biomass and yields of fermentable sugars. The reducing sugars released from pretreatment of the corn cob can be converted into biofuels. Corncob is a lignocellulosic material composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Cellulose and hemicellulose are polysaccharides constituted of simple sugars (hexoses and pentoses). However, these sugars are difficult to access, due to the presence of lignin, which is a polyphenolic molecule that provides a high recalcitrance to plant tissue. An appropriate biomass pretreatment disrupts the hydrogen bonds in crystalline cellulose, breaks down cross-linked matrix of hemicelluloses and lignin, and raises the porosity and surface area of cellulose for subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. There are several pretreatment methods including, physical pretreatment (electron beam irradiation, grinding and milling, microwave, and extrusion), chemical pretreatment (alkali, acid, organosolv, ozonolysis, and ionic liquid), physico-chemical pretreatment (steam explosion, liquid hot water, ammonia fiber explosion, wet oxidation, and CO2 explosion), and biological pretreatment. This study evaluated electron beam irradiation (EB) in combination with enzymatic hydrolysis on corncob at different grain size to produce fermentable sugars. Dry biomass samples after characterization were exposed to EB radiation doses of 0, 30, 50, 70, 100, and 200 kGy. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the pretreated biomass samples were conducted using 10% of solid in Erlenmeyer flasks (125 mL) containing of 50 mL of medium prepared with sodium citrate buffer (50 mmol.L-1, pH 4.8), CellicCTec 2 25.50 FPU/g dry lignocellulosic material) and Tween 80 (9.8 % w/w) under 200 rpm at 50 °C. using the Cellic® CTec2 from Novozymes. The structural changes and degree of crystallinity of the pretreated biomass were studied by FTIR, DRX, DSC, TG and SEM analyses. Corncob in natura showed 6.3 % extractives, 40.3 % cellulose, 31.8 % hemicellulose, 17.3 % lignin, and 0.7 % ash. The highest conversion of cellulose to glucose (44.2%) was by using EB radiation doses of 200 kGy and reduced corn cob grain size. Significant improvement in the enzymatic saccharification (80.4%) of the EBI exposed biomass was observed compared to control. The sugars released can be converted to biofuel or another bioproduct. The EB in combination with enzymatic hydrolysis of corncob is an environmentally sound biomass pretreatment.
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