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Artigo IPEN-doc 25777 Gallium-67 citrate used as a tracer of acetone production routes2019 - MESQUITA, C.H. de; CALVO, W.A.P.; AOKI, P.E.; SILVA, V.C. da; HARAGUCHI, M.I.; VELO, A.F.; ALVAREZ, A.G.; HAMADA, M.M.In this work the pathway of the chemical product and the kinetics parameters were evaluated in a laboratory plant settled, using 0.4 GBq (10 mL) of 67Ga citrate as radiotracer and 18 NaI(Tl) radiation detectors. The AnaComp program was used to estimate the kinetic para ameters of the acetone production. The yield of the acetone production was estimated by the percentage ratio between the areas under the curve (AUC) of the curve profiles of the final product compartment divided by the concentration found inside the chemical reactor whose result was 87% yield during the first 30 minutes of reaction.Publicação IPEN-doc 03085 Determinacao da vazao solida por arrasto de fundo no Rio Parana utilizando tracador radioativo1988 - AOKI, P.E.; ENOKIHARA, C.T.; ROCCA, H.C.C.; BITTENCOURT, A.V.L.Publicação IPEN-doc 00590 Measurement of flow and direction of ground water by radioactive tracers: hydrological evaluation of a waste disposal site at 'Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN)'1981 - CHANDRA, U.; AOKI, P.E.; SILVA, J.A.R.; CASTAGNET, A.C.Publicação IPEN-doc 03010 Determinacao de perfis de concentracoes de cesio-137 nos focos principais do acidente radiologico ocorrido em GoianiaGO1988 - ROCCA, H.C.C.; AOKI, P.E.; ENOKIHARA, C.T.; ROSTELATO, M.E.C.M.; LEPKI, V.; BAMBALAS, E.Resumo IPEN-doc 02493 Water leak detection in the cooling system of the blast furnace walls, by using radiotracer techniques1984 - AOKI, P.E.; ROCCA, H.C.C.; CASTAGNET, A.C.Artigo IPEN-doc 01340 Determination of velocity and direction of ground water by radioactive tracers1980 - CHANDRA, U.; AOKI, P.E.; SILVA, J.A.R.; CASTAGNET, A.C.Artigo IPEN-doc 02089 Estudo da infiltracao em Abadia de Goias, Goiania, pelo metodo de marcacao da umidade do solo com tritio artificial1993 - POLI, D.C.R.; AOKI, P.E.; LEPKI, V.; RACY, M.; SAAD, S.; ARAUJO, L.; PEDROSO, G.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 02060 Aplicacao de tracador radioativo para a determinacao das caracteristicas hidraulicas de unidades de estacoes de tratamento de esgotos1993 - AOKI, P.E.; MORITA, D.M.; FERREIRA FILHO, S.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 06592 Determinacoes de vazoes de efluentes nos canais da Companhia Siderurgica Nacional - CSN, em Volta Redonda, RJ, com utilizacao de tracador radioativo1999 - BAMBALAS, E.; BRUZINGA, W.A.; ROCCA, H.C.C.; AOKI, P.E.; MIRANDA, M.A.M.; SANTOS, N.J.Artigo IPEN-doc 01688 Determinacao de perfis de concentracoes de cesio-137 nos focos principais do acidente radiologico ocorrido em Goiania, GO1988 - ROCCA, H.C.C.; AOKI, P.E.; ENOKIHARA, C.T.; ROSTELATO, M.E.C.M.; LEPKI, V.; BAMBALAS, E.