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Publicação IPEN-doc 04535 Tratamento de gases toxicos So sub(2) e NO sub(x) por irradiacao com feixe de eletrons1992 - POLI, D.C.R.; VIEIRA, J.M.; CAMPOS, C.A.Resumo IPEN-doc 05280 Tratamiento de gases de combustion de carbon, mediante irradiacion com aceleradores de electrones1993 - POLI, D.C.R.; VIEIRA, J.M.; CAMPOS, C.A.; RELA, P.R.Artigo IPEN-doc 15811 Needs and emerging opportunities of electron beam accelerators on radiation processing technology for industrial and environmental application in South America2009 - CALVO, W.A.P.; DUARTE, C.L.; MACHADO, L.D.B.; PINO, E.S.; POLI, D.C.R.; MANZOLI, J.E.; TOBIAS, C.C.B.; MATHOR, M.B.; SOMESSARI, E.S.R.; SILVEIRA, C.G.; SOMESSARI, S.L.; OMI, N.M.; RELA, P.R.Artigo IPEN-doc 05967 Electron beam removal of SOsub(2) and MOsub(x) from combustion flue gases in Brazil-National and international cooperation1995 - POLI, D.C.R.; ZIMEK, Z.A.; VIEIRA, J.M.; RIVELLI, V.Artigo IPEN-doc 06013 Present state of EB removal of So sub(2) and NOsub(x) from combustion flue gases in Brazil1995 - POLI, D.C.R.; OSSO JUNIOR, J.A.; RIVELLI, V.; VIEIRA, J.M.; LUGAO, A.B.