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Artigo IPEN-doc 15340 Overview of flue gas treatment in Brazil2011 - CALVO, WILSON A.P.; POLI, D.C.R.; DUARTE, C.L.; OMI, N.M.; LIMA, W.The coal mines in Brazil are primarily located in southern part areas. The total coal reserves are approximately 32.8 billions tons, 89% of which are located in Rio Grande do Sul state. The Brazilian agriculture potentiality is very high, mainly due to the availability of flat land and the existence of industrial capacity to supply the main fertilizers needs. Electron beam flue gas treatment process ensures simultaneous removal of SO2 and NOX from flue gases by single process, requiring no additional wastewater treatment system and can produce useful nitrogen fertilizer consisting of ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 and ammonium nitrate NH4NO3 as by-products. During the TC Project BRA/8/021 - Pilot Plant for Electron Beam Purification of Flue Gas supported by IAEA (1995-1996), a laboratory facility for electron beam flue gas treatment was set at IPEN. In 1997, an official request from Brazilian Government, Ministry of Science & Technology (MCT) and IPEN was made for the Japan Consulting Institute (JCI) to prepare feasibility studies of air pollution control by electron beam flue gas treatment in three power generation companies. These companies are responsible for the power generation, the transmission and the supply of electricity to Brazil: Jorge Lacerda – Eletrosul Centrais Eletricas do Sul do Brasil S.A., Presidente Medici – Companhia Estadual de Energia Eletrica (CEEE) and Piratininga – AES Eletropaulo Thermal Power Plants.Publicação IPEN-doc 04535 Tratamento de gases toxicos So sub(2) e NO sub(x) por irradiacao com feixe de eletrons1992 - POLI, D.C.R.; VIEIRA, J.M.; CAMPOS, C.A.Resumo IPEN-doc 06398 Resumo IPEN-doc 05996 Dosimetric studies for gas flow irradiation by electron beam1994 - CAMPOS, C.A.; BANADOS PEREZ, H.E.; POLI, D.C.R.Resumo IPEN-doc 05993 Present state of EB removal of SO sub(2) and NOsub(x) from combustion flue gases in Brazil1994 - POLI, D.C.R.; OSSO JUNIOR, J.A.; RIVELLI, V.; VIEIRA, J.M.; LUGAO, A.B.Artigo IPEN-doc 15811 Needs and emerging opportunities of electron beam accelerators on radiation processing technology for industrial and environmental application in South America2009 - CALVO, W.A.P.; DUARTE, C.L.; MACHADO, L.D.B.; PINO, E.S.; POLI, D.C.R.; MANZOLI, J.E.; TOBIAS, C.C.B.; MATHOR, M.B.; SOMESSARI, E.S.R.; SILVEIRA, C.G.; SOMESSARI, S.L.; OMI, N.M.; RELA, P.R.Artigo IPEN-doc 05527 Desenvolvimento de um sistema calorimetrico para dosimetria de gases em fluxo continuo, irradiados com feixe de eletrons1994 - CAMPOS, C.A.; BANADOS PEREZ, H.E.; VIEIRA, J.M.; POLI, D.C.R.; SOMESSARI, S.L.; BRUZINGA, W.; ALBANO, G.C.Artigo IPEN-doc 02090 Estudo sobre o tratamento de gases toxicos SOsub(2) e NOsub(x) provenientes de combustao de oleo ou carvao por aceleradores de eletrons1993 - POLI, D.C.R.; VIEIRA, J.M.; CAMPOS, C.A.; RIVELLI, V.Artigo IPEN-doc 06399 Prefeasibility study for an electron beam flue gas treatment demonstration plant to Eletropaulo Piratininga Power Plant1997 - POLI, D.C.R.; LIMA, W.; CALVO, W.A.P.; ALY, O.F.; ANSON, J.M.A.; ALMEIDA NETTO, N.F.; FRANK, N.W.Artigo IPEN-doc 06510 Generalized empirical equation for the extrapolated range of electrons in elemental and compound materials1998 - LIMA, W.; POLI, D.C.R.