Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais

Resultados de Busca

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  • Artigo IPEN-doc 29130
    Analyses of magnesium-based alloys by nuclear techniques
    2022 - SILVA, C.A.J.; BRAGUIN, L.N.M.; ROSSI, J.L.; SCAPIN, M.A.; COSTA, I.; SAIKI, M.
    Magnesium-based alloys have been proposed for use in temporary biomaterials in the applications that request their biocompatibility and degradability. Analyses of these alloys are of great interest to verify if their element composition is within the product specification and also to evaluate the impurities that may cause toxic effects to the human health or influence in their corrosion processes. In this study, nuclear techniques of neutron activation analysis (NAA) and wavelength dispersive X ray fluorescence spectrometry (WD XRFS) were applied in the analyses of two magnesium-based alloys: commercially pure magnesium (CP-Mg) and AZ31 alloy. The NAA procedure consisted of irradiation aliquots of sample and synthetic element standards followed by measurements using a HGe detector and the WD XFRS was carried out using the Model RIX 3000 X-ray spectrometer. In the CP-Mg sample several element impurities were quantified. In the AZ31 alloy, the alloying element mass fractions were within the product specification and the impurities of As, La, Na and Sb were also quantified. Nickel and sulfur were quantified only by WD XFRS. The Horwitz method was a good parameter to evaluate the repeatability of the results in Al, Mg, Mn and Zn determinations. In conclusion, the results indicated the viability of using NAA and WD XFRS in the analyses of magnesium-based materials mainly due its multielement determinations, precision of the results, quantification of elements in a wide range of mass fractions and the lack of need for sample dissolution.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 28361
    A study on corrosion resistance of ISO 5832-1 austenitic stainless steel used as orthopedic implant
    2020 - BRAGUIN, L.N.M.; SILVA, C.A.J. da; BERBEL, L.O.; VIVEIROS, B.V.G. de; ROSSI, J.L.; COSTA, I.; SAIKI, M.
    The ISO 5832-1 austenitic stainless steel used as biomaterial is largely applied in the area of orthopedics, especially in the manufacture of implants, such as temporary or permanent replacement of bone structures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the localized corrosion resistance of the ISO 5832-1 stainless steel used in orthopedic implants by electrochemical tests in two different solutions. The results of this study are of great interest to evaluate the corrosion of metallic implants that can result in the release of corrosion products into bodily fluids causing possible adverse biological reactions. The determination of the chemical elements in the composition of the ISO 5832-1 stainless steel was performed by neutron activation analysis (NAA). The samples for electrochemical tests were grinded with silicon carbide paper up to #4000 finishing, followed by mechanical polishing with diamond paste. The open circuit potential measurements and anodic polarization curves were obtained in solution of 0.90 wt. % of NaCl and of simulated body fluid (SBF). The results indicated that the ISO 5832-1 stainless steel presented a high resistance to crevice corrosion in simulated body fluid solution but high susceptibility to this form of corrosion in the chloride solution.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 28360
    Study of ph effect on AZ31 magnesium alloy corrosion for using in temporary implants
    Currently, magnesium alloys are gaining great interest for medical applications due to their degrading properties in the human body ensuring a great biocompatibility. These alloys also provide profitable mechanical properties due similarities with human bone. However, a difficulty in applying these materials in the biomaterials industries is the corrosion prior to cell healing. The effect of the chemical composition of Mg alloys on their corrosion behavior is well known. In this study, samples of AZ31 magnesium alloy were cut into chips for elemental chemical analysis by neutron activation analysis (NAA). Concentrations of the elements As, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Sb and Zn were determined in the AZ31 alloy. Visualization tests of agar corrosion development in various media, of 0.90% sodium chloride solution (mass), phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and simulated body fluid (SBF) were performed. Visualizations of the effect of agar gel corrosion revealed pH variation during the corrosion process due to the released into the cathode. The highest released of hydroxyl ions occurred in NaCl solution compared to PBS and SBF solutions indicating that NaCl solution was much more aggressive to the alloy compared to the others.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 28250
    Nuclear techniques in the analyses of magnesium-based alloys
    2021 - SILVA, C.A.J.; BRAGUIN, L.N.M.; ROSSI, J.L.; SCAPIN, M.A.; COSTA, I.; SAIKI, M.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 27919
    Determination of chemical elements in magnesium-based materials by neutron activation analysis
    2021 - SILVA, C.A.J.; BRAGUIN, L.N.M.; ROSSI, J.L.; COSTA, I.; SAIKI, M.
    Over the last decades there was an increasing interest in using magnesium alloys for medical applications due to their biodegradability in the human body, providing a temporary mechanical support and corroding completely after the tissue healing. Although magnesium is a non-toxic element, it is of great importance to evaluate the element concentration, as well as the impurities present in both, pure magnesium and magnesium alloys, as the AZ31. The purpose of this study was to analyze the element composition of these materials using the method of neutron activation analysis (NAA). Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) acquired from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) were analyzed for analytical quality control. Short and long term irradiations were carried out at the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor and gamma-ray activities induced to the samples and element standard were measured using HPGe detector coupled to a Digital Spectrum Analyzer. The radioisotopes were identified by gamma ray energies and half-life. Concentrations of the elements As, Cr, Cd, Co, Fe, In, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Sb, V, W and Zn were determined in pure magnesium sample and the Al, As, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Sb and Zn in the AZ31 alloy, calculated by comparative method. The SRMs were analyzed by applying the same experimental conditions used for magnesium-based materials and their results presented good accuracy and precision. Thus, from the measurements obtained in this study it can be concluded that NAA is a suitable method for element determinations in magnesium-based materials providing reliable results.
  • Resumo IPEN-doc 27324
    Estudo do comportamento frente à corrosão da liga de magnésio AZ31 de uso em implantes temporários utilizando soluções simuladoras de fluidos corpóreos
    Atualmente, ligas de magnésio estão ganhando grande interesse para aplicações médicas devido a sua propriedade de degradação no corpo humano, principalmente para aplicações de interesse como stents cardiovasculares e próteses ortopédicas. Estes implantes temporários fornecem uma estabilidade mecânica necessária para o reparo e corroem completamente após o tempo de vida útil e fim do tratamento. Contudo, uma dificuldade na aplicação destes materiais na indústria de biomateriais é a corrosão antecipada e precoce à cura celular. Amostras da liga de magnésio AZ31 foram cortadas em lascas e a técnica escolhida para análise química elementar foi a Análise por Ativação com Nêutrons (NAA). Irradiações de curta e longa duração foram realizadas nas amostras juntamente com padrões sintéticos no reator IEA-R1 em um fluxo de nêutrons térmicos abaixo de 4,0x1012 n cm-2s-1. Concentrações dos elementos As, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Sb e Zn foram determinadas na liga AZ31, calculadas pelo método comparativo. Para os ensaios de corrosão, as amostras foram limpas com álcool etílico, acetona e água purificada MilliQ por agitação ultrassônica, e, em seguida foram lixadas com lixas de SiC com granulometria de #500, #800, #1200, #2000 e #4000. Testes de visualização em ágar-ágar e imersão foram realizados em solução de cloreto de sódio 0,90 % (massa), solução tampão de fosfato (PBS) e solução simuladora de fluidos corpóreos (SBF) utilizando fenolftaleína como indicador ácido-base. A observação das superfícies das amostras, antes e após exposição às soluções, foi realizada por microscopia óptica (MO) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). A superfície também foi observada após remoção dos produtos de corrosão por desmutting e irradiação para análise quantitativa pela técnica NAA. Visualizações em gel ágarágar revelaram aumento do pH local proveniente da liberação de íons hidroxila da reação catódica e menor liberação de íons ocorreu em SBF em comparação às soluções de NaCl e PBS. As micrografias da superfície evidenciaram a formação instantânea de uma camada de produtos de corrosão após uma hora de ensaio e o desmutting revelou microcavidades caracterizadas por pites.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 26148
    Determination of chemical elements in magnesium- based materials by neutron activation analysis
    Over the last decades there was an increasing interest in using magnesium alloys for medical applications due to their biodegradability in the human body, providing a temporary mechanical support and corroding completely after the tissue healing. Although magnesium is a non-toxic element, it is of great importance to evaluate the element concentration, as well as the impurities present in both, pure magnesium and magnesium alloys, as the AZ31. The purpose of this study was to analyze the element composition of these materials using the method of neutron activation analysis (NAA). Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) acquired from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) were analyzed for analytical quality control. Short and long term irradiations were carried out at the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor and gamma-ray activities induced to the samples and element standard were measured using HPGe detector coupled to a Digital Spectrum Analyzer. The radioisotopes were identified by gamma ray energies and half-life. Concentrations of the elements As, Cr, Cd, Co, Fe, In, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Sb, V, W and Zn were determined in pure magnesium sample and the Al, As, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Sb and Zn in the AZ31 alloy, calculated by comparative method. The SRMs were analyzed by applying the same experimental conditions used for magnesium-based materials and their results presented good accuracy and precision. Thus, from the measurements obtained in this study it can be concluded that NAA is a suitable method for element determinations in magnesium-based materials providing reliable results.