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Artigo IPEN-doc 20836 Effect of laser parameters on the corrosion resistance of the ASTM F139 stainless steel2015 - PIERETTI, EURICO F.; PESSINE, ELISABETE J.; CORREA, OLANDIR V.; ROSSI, WAGNER de; NEVES, MAURICIO D.M. dasResumo IPEN-doc 20579 Semiconductor oxide evaluation of mechanical and laser marked ASTM F139 stainless steel via hyperfine interactions and Mott-Schottky techniques2014 - PIERETTI, EURICO F.; CARBONARI, ARTUR W.; CAVALCANTE, FABIO H.M.; PESSINE, ELISABETE J.; CORREA, OLANDIR V.; LEIVAS, TOMAZ P.; NEVES, MAURICIO D.M. das