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Relatório IPEN-doc 25688 Análise de criticalidade do cofre de salvaguardas do Centro de Combustível Nuclear (CCN)2019 - YAMAGUCHI, MITSUOEste relatório apresenta a análise de criticalidade do cofre de salvaguardas (sala 22 do prédio 96) do Centro de Combustível Nuclear (CCN). A análise foi feita com o sistema SCALE4.4a.Artigo IPEN-doc 24804 Thermal hydraulic analysis improvement for the IEA-R1 research reactor and fuel assembly design modification2018 - UMBEHAUN, PEDRO E.; TORRES, WALMIR M.; SOUZA, JOSE A.B.; YAMAGUCHI, MITSUO; SILVA, ANTONIO T. e; MESQUITA, ROBERTO N. de; SCURO, NIKOLAS L.; ANDRADE, DELVONEI A. deThis paper presents the sequence of activities to improve the thermal hydraulic analysis of the IEA-R1 research reactor to operate in safe conditions after power upgrade from 2 to 5 MW and core size reduction from 30 to 24 fuel assemblies. A realistic analysis needs the knowledge of the actual operation conditions (heat flow, flow rates) beyond the geometric data and the uncertainties associated with manufacturing and measures. A dummy fuel assembly was designed and constructed to measure the actual flow rate through the core fuel assemblies and its pressure drop. First results showed that the flow distribution over the core is nearly uniform. Nevertheless, the values are below than the calculated ones and the core bypass flow rate is greater than those estimated previously. Based on this, several activities were performed to identify and reduce the bypass flow, such as reduction of the flow rate through the sample irradiators, closing some unnecessary secondary holes on the matrix plate, improvement in the primary flow rate system and better fit of the core components on the matrix plate. A sub-aquatic visual system was used as an important tool to detect some bypass flow path. After these modifications, the fuel assemblies flow rate increased about 13%. Additional tests using the dummy fuel assembly were carried out to measure the internal flow distribution among the rectangular channels. The results showed that the flow rate through the outer channels is 10% - 15% lower than the internal ones. The flow rate in the channel formed between two adjacent fuel assemblies is an estimated parameter and it is difficult to measure because this is an open channel. A new thermal hydraulic analysis of the outermost plates of the fuel assemblies takes into account all this information. Then, a fuel design modification was proposed with the reduction of 50% in the uranium quantity in the outermost fuel plates. In order to avoid the oxidation of the outermost plates by high temperature, low flow rate, a reduction of 50% in the uranium density in the same ones was shown to be adequate to solve the problem.Relatório IPEN-doc 24656 Análise de Criticalidade do Cofre de Salvaguardas (Sala 21) do Prédio 96 do Centro de Combustível Nuclear (CCN)2018 - YAMAGUCHI, MITSUOEste relatório apresenta a análise de criticalidade do cofre de salvaguardas (sala 21 do prédio 96) do Centro de Combustível Nuclear (CCN) para armazenamento das placas combustíveis e/ou elementos combustíveis do núcleo de placas do Reator IPEN/MB-01. A análise foi feita com o sistema SCALE4.4a.Resumo IPEN-doc 03900 The Brazilian research reactor IEA-R1: past present and future 'STATUS'1991 - MAIORINO, J.R.; FANARO, L.C.C.B.; MAI, L.A.; KOSAKA, N.; YAMAGUCHI, M.Resumo IPEN-doc 16215 Análises neutrônica, termo-hidráulica e de segurança de dispositivos para irradiação de alvos tipo LEU de UAlx-Al e U-Ni para produção de Mo-99 nos reatores IEA-R1 e RMB2010 - DOMINGOS, DOUGLAS B.; NISHIYAMA, PEDRO J.B. de O.; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, ANTONIO; YAMAGUCHI, MITSUOArtigo IPEN-doc 08676 Dimensionamento termo-hidraulico de um dispositivo de irradiacao de mini-placas combustiveis para o reator IEA-R12002 - UMBEHAUN, P.E.; ANDRADE, D.A.; TORRES, W.M.; YAMAGUCHI, M.Artigo IPEN-doc 15265 Neutronic, thermal-hydraulic and accident analysis calculations for an irradiation device to be used in the qualification process of dispersion fuels in the IEA-R1 research reactor2009 - DOMINGOS, DOUGLAS B.; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, ANTONIO; UMBEHAUN, PEDRO E.; SILVA, JOSE E.R. da; CONTI, THADEU das N.; YAMAGUCHI, MITSUONeutronic, thermal-hydraulics and accident analysis calculations were developed to estimate the safety of an irradiation device placed in the IEA-R1 reactor core. The irradiation device will be used to receive miniplates of U3O8-Al e U3Si2-Al dispersion fuels, LEU type (19.9% of 235U), with uranium densities of, respectively, 3.0 gU/cm3 and 4.8gU/cm3 . The fuel miniplates will be irradiated to nominal 235U burnup levels of 50% and 80%, in order to qualify the above high-density dispersion fuels to be used in the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor, now in the conception phase. For the neutronic calculation, the computer code CITATION was utilized. The computer code FLOW was used to calculate the coolant flow rate in the irradiation device, allowing the determination of the fuel miniplate temperatures with the computer model MTRCR-IEA-R1. A postulated Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) was analyzed with the computer codes LOSS and TEMPLOCA, allowing the calculation of the fuel miniplate temperatures after the reactor pool draining. The calculations showed that the irradiation of the fuel miniplates will happen without any adverse consequence in the IEA-R1 reactor.Artigo IPEN-doc 09553 Thermal-hydraulic design of a fuel mini-plate irradiator for the IEA-R1 research reactor2003 - TORRES, W.M.; UMBEHAUN, P.E.; ANDRADE, D.A.; YAMAGUCHI, M.; SOUZA, J.A.B.Artigo IPEN-doc 10310 Fuel burnup calculation and measurement at IEA-R1 research reactor2001 - TERREMOTO, L.A.A.; ZEITUNI, C.A.; PERROTTA, J.A.; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, A.; SILVA, J.E.R.; YAMAGUCHI, M.; TONDIN, J.B.M.; FRAJNDLICH, R.Artigo IPEN-doc 03243 Calculo dos parametros neutronicos do reator IEA-R1 e proposta de uma nova configuracao1989 - KOSAKA, N.; FANARO, L.C.C.B.; YAMAGUCHI, M.